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It would be good if you knew the exact first day of your last menstrual period. From that, add 7 days, then go back 3 months. That is your due date. For example, if the first day of your last period was June15th, add 7 days to that, so June 22nd. Then go back 3 months. That would be March22nd. That is your due date. That is usually confirmed by ultrasound.

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Q: You had your period you believe in the middle to the end of June how can you determine when you got pregnant?
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How late does your period have to be to determine if you are pregnant?

You can take a test the day after you miss a period

Do you start counting from the day you get your period to find out if your pregnant?

If you get your period chances are you are not pregnant. If you don't get your period and you are pregnant, your doctor/midwife will want to determine when you most likely conceived, to do this he/she will want to know the first day of your last period. If you have a 28 day cycle ovulation usually occurs in the middle of your cycle.

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It can be or you are ovulating or getting your period. Just cramping is not enough to determine if you are pregnant or not.

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No. If you got a period after July, then you did not get pregnant in July.

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i had 2 period last month how will i know if i iam pregnent?

What is the soonest you can find out if you are pregnant?

Most over the counter pregnancy tests will show a pregnancy the day of your skipped period. However I believe there are a few more expensive ones that will be able to determine up to 5 days before the skipped period. hope this helps.

Can you still get pregnant even if you get no monthly period?

Generally speaking no, you need to determine why you are not having monthly periods, but no period usually means you are not ovulating.

Am i pregnant if i have my period for one day?

This is not enough to determine pregnancy. Take a test 2 weeks after sex.

Your stomach hurts in the middle can you be pregnant?

yes you can be my girlfriend even got off her period an found out she was

Are there some women that don't know they are pregnant there whole pregnancy?

Yes, it is rare but it can happen. They may still get their period while pregnant or believe birth control is preventing them from getting their period.

Are there any home remedies to get rid of your period?

Get pregnant... other than that, I do not believe you can just rid of it...

Could you be pregnant if your period was 6 days late?

Yes.A Woman can become pregnant at any time.That being said,A late period is often one of the first signs of pregnancy, but it doesn't mean that you are pregnant.If you think you may be pregnant, contact your Doctor. They will be able to accurately determine if you are pregnant or not.