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Probably a large Cory catfish (they only get to 3-4 inches) so that it doesn't get eaten or attacked by the Angelfish. P.S. the Angelfish needs a tank of at least 30 gallons to be happy.

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Q: You have 6 tetras and 2 zebra danios and 1 angelfish in a 10 gallon tank what bottom feeder would go well with the other fish?
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How many angelfish can be in a 3 gallon tank?

None. That's too small.

Can danios live with fantails?

i have 2 fantails and 7 danios live in 14 gallon tank very happy together. danios can be known to fin nip but this is more likely to happen when there are only two or three of them. they are more happy living in schools of 6 or more. they dont bother with the fantail at all.

Is it safe to put your male betta fish in a 29-gallon warm water freshwater tank with 2 Zebra Danios and 2 Silver tip Danios?

yes as long as there are not any other males or female bettas

What kind of bottom feeder could you put in with guppies in a ten gallon tank?

Most suckerfish get too big, but an apple snail (same as a mystery snail) or some ramshore snails are awesome.

Can you have a platy and 2 mystery snails and 3 zebra danios in a 10 gallon tank?

That tank setup is fine. In fact, you could even add 1 or 2 more zebra danio(s). It is recommended that danios live in a shoal of at least 5.

How big does the tank need to be to hold five angelfish?

You would need at least a 150 gallon tank

Can feeder fish get huge?

Yes. Feeder fish just like all goldfish grow depending on the size of their environment. I once had a feeder fish in a 50 gallon tank that was 8/9 inches long when it passed at the age of 7.

I added danios yesterday and now the betta has been sitting on one corner doing nothing which is not his usual self. Can a betta a snail and two danios live in a 6.6 gallon tank?

There are a few major problems with this setup. :( 1. Danios need to live in a school; usually with at least six to eight fish, which your aquarium is not big enough to house. 2. It isn't a good idea to put a betta with danios, who tend to get aggressive. Since bettas move slowly, the danios might nip at his tail, and the betta won't be able to excape them. Danios are very darty and fast, and their constant movement may be stressful for your betta. In my experience, neon tetras work great with a betta, since they don't move very fast and aren't tail-nipping fish. For that you will need at least 10 gallons. The snail shouldn't be a problem, though. So if I were you I would get another aquarium. Consider a three gallon tank. Put your betta into that and leave the danios with the snail. Make sure to add some more danios to the group. Good luck, hope this helped.

Can you mix two different types of saltwater angelfish?

Not unless you have an 800+ gallon tank and even that might be risky.

Is freshwater algae that grows inside a fish tank harmful to angelfish?

It is not harmful. But if you want to clean up the algae in the tank you want to get a pleco. They are very peaceful fish and will not harm angelfish. I have a pleco and three angelfish in my 35 gallon tank right now and they get along great!

You have two angelfish they seem to fight all the time?

Angelfish are very aggressive fish. They are also very territorial. They want their own space and the whole tank if they can have it. I'd suggest that if you have a small 3 to 5 gallon tank you get a bigger tank as that size tank is too small for Angelfish.

What kind of fish will be easy to breed and will get along with your other fish if you have a 10-gallon aquarium with a betta angelfish molly sepae tetra and a cleaner?

You don't! What you do is get a 55 gallon tank because angelfish won't be happy in a 10 gallon tank, and then you take the betta out of the tank (it will fight with your other fish) and just get more mollies and put lots of hiding places in the tank so the babies will live.