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either break up with him or if he wants to quit tell him to give you all his tobacco and throw it away and make sure he doesn't buy any

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Q: You have been dating a guy for about a year now you got him to stop using tobacco but he is addicted to another drug you've been helping him ween off this drug but now he's seceretly using tobacco aga?
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What substance in tobacco causes a person to be addicted?


What happens if nicotine get in your eye?

you become addicted to tobacco

A major ingredient in tobacco that is addictive?

The major ingredient in tobacco that gets you addicted is nicotine.

Did the first tobacco have nicotine?

Yes it did have nicotine that is why people get addicted to it

Is it possible for young people to become addicted to tobacco?


What is the link between heredity and tobacco addiction?

some people have genes that make it easier for them to become addicted to tobacco

Who are the targets of tobacco?

they are younger people. if they get addicted now they could be that way forever.

How many times would you use tobacco before you are addicted?

3 and your hooked.

Why athles chew tobacco?

They are addicted to the drug nicotine, and can't smoke on the job.

Why is it difficult to quit using tobacco or alcohol once a person is addicted?

they eat it

Why do people become addicted to tobacco and drug?

Because of chemical reaction in the brain