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Before they have been weaned kittens drink their mother's milk, you should contact a vet for advice.

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Q: You have found 3 newborn kittens what do you feed them?
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Related questions

How long does it take for newborn kittens to walk and see?

2 to 3 weeks

After how long does a newborn kitten start to meow?

Kittens solely drink milk from their mother until they 4 to 8 weeks old. During this time, the kittens often start to eat solid food - which often takes a few weeks. Kittens feed little and often due to their tiny stomachs.

At what age do i feed my newborn dogs and cats a meal thats not from their mum?

You can feed your newborn dogs and cats a meal that is not from their mum after they are at least 3 months.

How big is a newborn kitten?

usually about the size of your hand (not including your fingers)

What do you feed your pet kittens?

Up to at least 3 weeks, they should only get mother's milk or formula. After that they can start getting soft food labeled for kittens.

I found 3 newborn kittens in my backyard they haven't ate in three days cause there mom died We gave them away to pet control But we kinda want them back Can petcontrol give them back?

You just ask them for them back.If they say no kittens are only 15-30 dollars.

Has your cats milk dried up Kittens only 3 weeks old?

Your kittens will probably survive, but you should go to the store and find some solution to feed your kittens. They sell the solution in Walmart and probably most pet stores.

8 dogs and 24 kittens. What is the ratio of kittens to dogs?

The ratio of kittens to dogs is 3:1 or 3 kittens for every 1 dog.

How long would a newborn puppy need to feed off their mothers milk?

Usually it is about 3-4 weeks but if the mother dog starts not to want to feed them slightly earlier then they are probably ready

What if mother cat decides after 3 weeks not to feed her kittens?

At your local wal mart they have the supplies to feed new born kittens if the mother decides to stop feeding them. Sometimes a mother will push a kitten away if it's sick and she doesn't think it will make it. Contact your vet about the situation if it doesn't get any better.

How often do you feed kittens?

Kittens, young ones in particular, have tiny stomachs, so the best way to feed them is "little and often". For young kittens, five or six small meals a day is ideal. As the kitten gets bigger you can start to feed it more food in each meal, and slowly reduce the number of meals. Many feed older kittens (ones that are around six to eight months old) three or four meals, as this is when growth spurts become more apparent and a kitten will need much more food at these times. It is best to feed it at set times, mainly because it is easier to monitor how much the kitten is eating, and if for some reason the kitten's appetite changes, it can be quickly dealt with.

There are 3 cats and each has 3 kittens and each of those 3 kittens have 5 kittens how many legs altogether?

180 why do you care 108 is the actual answer