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If you have been taking the amoxycillin exactly as prescribed, it isn't working, and you need to go back to your doctor. Amoxycillin works well in most cases of strep throat. As you know, there are hundreds of antibiotics available, and each one will knock out certain germs. There are millions of types of germs. If you were very ill when your dctor saw you, he would want to start treatment straight away instead of taking throat swabs and waiting for 4 to 5 days for the results. If you have been taking your amoxycillin and it hasn't helped, then you need another kind of antibiotic. Not all antibiotics will work for a sore throat or anything else. So you are preescribed the one most likely to work, but it is an educated guess on behalf of the doctor. If it doesn't work, he will go on to Plan B.

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Q: You have had strep throat for 6 days and have been taking amoxicillin and it will not go away?
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Does strep throat go away?

Yes, strep throat is a bacterial infection caused by Streptococcus pyogenes. Antibiotics like Penicillin and Amoxicillin can cure strep throat, but it is highly contagious and can be caught again. It is most common in children ages 5 to 15.

Can a child take Motrin while taking an atibiotic for strep throat?

I just came home from taking my 7 and 9 yr. olds to the pediatrician. They have Strep Throat and we were told to Stay Away From MOTRIN and ADVIL. Recent studies show that the overwhelming ability of ibuprofen to reduce inflammation (immune response) makes it hard for the body to build anti-bodies to the Strep. They now believe this is why so many kids get recurrent Strep Infections. It really has nothing to do with any kind of interaction with the antibiotic.

Is strept throat a communicable disease or non communicable disease?

Wow! It is very definitely a communicable disease and highly contagious. In addition, the bacteria that cause it can be either staph or strep. It can be severe and hard to treat so get medical attention right away for any sore throat symptoms.

Is smoking marijuana taking away the potency of the amoxicillin?

No, marijuana would no decrease the potency of the antibiotics you are taking. If anything, it would help with the nausea and loss of appetite most often associated with amoxicillin.

Will you still get strep throat if palatine tonsils are removed?

No. The tonsils are the things that are causing you to get sore throats. See, you tonsils rub against your throat when they are too big, causing a sore throat. When you get them removed the sore throats go away.

How long should strep throat carriers stay away from other people?

For ten days. He is declared as cured after last dose of penicillin.

What tea is bad for sore throats?

No. Strep throat is a bacterial infection, not a virus like the common cold and flu. Your body cannot get rid of it on its own. You need antibiotics from your doctor to make it go away. If it is not treated properly, strep throat can be very, very serious -- even fatal -- so you MUST see a doctor right away. You CANNOT make it go away on your own. You need antibiotics, and to get antibiotics, you have to see a doctor.

Is a sore throat contagious?

Sore throats may be caused by either bacteria or viruses. Viruses often give symptoms like runny nose, watery eyes and cough -- but not always. Bacteria (strep) usually are not associated with these "cold" symptoms. It is impossible to tell just by looking at the throat whether it is a virus or strep throat. You have to swab it. Currently, there are no antibiotics that work well against viruses that typically cause a sore throat. That's okay because the body gets rid of this on its own, so all you have to do is treat the symptoms like the pain. Strep throat needs antibiotics to cure it. A person with strep throat is considered non-infectious after the first 24 hours of antibiotics. If your child has strep throat she should stay away from others until that 24 hours is up. Viruses, on the other hand, are most infectious usually before you have symptoms, such as a sore throat so it is not necessary to keep your child home if she only has a viral sore throat. For many reasons I believe it is important not to treat a "strep throat" based upon observation alone. The throat should be swabbed for culture.

Can strep throat go away on its own?

Actually. Strep Throat can 100% go away on its own. It is a bacterial infection. But if it is not treated with antibiotics you will be sick longer, and contagious longer which can cause the people around you to have a bigger chance of getting Strep too. So I would recommend going to the hospital or calling your doctor. If your too lazy and don't want to take the antibiotics stay home and make sure not to eat acitic foods such as tomatoes. Drink hot tea with honey. Soups will make it feel better too. And have ice cream and Popsicle. It numbs the swelling. NOT TREATED: Takes longer time to heal. (7 days). Longer time contagious. And increases the chance of family members from getting Strep. TREATED (with antibiotics): Heals in about 48 hours. Not contagious anymore after 24 hours of taking the antibiotics. Decreases the risk of family members to getting strep. REMEMBER LOTS OF SLEEP, LIQUIDS, HOT SOUPS/TEA, POPSICLE ETC. IT WILL GO BY FAST.

Is a viral infection contagious when it is a severe sore throat?

Sore throats may be caused by either bacteria or viruses. Viruses often give symptoms like runny nose, watery eyes and cough -- but not always. Bacteria (strep) usually are not associated with these "cold" symptoms. It is impossible to tell just by looking at the throat whether it is a virus or strep throat. You have to swab it. Currently, there are no antibiotics that work well against viruses that typically cause a sore throat. That's okay because the body gets rid of this on its own, so all you have to do is treat the symptoms like the pain. Strep throat needs antibiotics to cure it. A person with strep throat is considered non-infectious after the first 24 hours of antibiotics. If your child has strep throat she should stay away from others until that 24 hours is up. Viruses, on the other hand, are most infectious usually before you have symptoms, such as a sore throat so it is not necessary to keep your child home if she only has a viral sore throat. For many reasons I believe it is important not to treat a "strep throat" based upon observation alone. The throat should be swabbed for culture.

If given shot of penicillin yesterday for strep throat should you now run a temp when you didnt have one to start with?

It is possible; but it should go away in a day or two.

Where do you get strep throat?

You can get it if: - you are touching areas covered by a strep bacterias and then you touch your nose, eyes or mouth - through contaminated food - through sharing of contaminated dishes - if you are in room where infected person caugh or sneeze Mostly people are infectious before they have any signs of infection.