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No, doesn't sound normal at all. Visit a doctor

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Q: You have lots of floaty things in your urine and you have severe pain is this normal?
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What is normal transparency of urine?

clear transparency is the normal characteristic of the urine

Is it normal for urine to have plus plus bacteria?

No. Normal urine should be sterile.

What is normal odor of urine?

Pure urine is odourless. When it comes into contact with other things (such as bacteria), it begins to stink. Usually the smell is quite sharp and offensive to the nose.

Does severe dehydration cause urine volume to decrease?

Yes, severe dehydration causes urine volume to decrease. Your body will conserve water to maintain homeostasis.

Is there blood in normal urine?

No Normal urine should not include any traces of blood.

What is the normal pH level in urine?

The normal pH level in urine ranges from 4.6 to 8.0. A pH level below 7 is considered acidic, while a pH level above 7 is alkaline.

Is albumin plus plus plus plus normal in urine?

No, 3+ albumin in the urine is not normal.

What is a normal urinalysis?

A normal urinalysis typically includes clear urine with a pale yellow color, a specific gravity within a normal range, no presence of blood, protein, glucose, or ketones, and a pH level around 4.5 to 8.0. It also usually has no bacteria, crystals, or abnormal cells present.

What is the white fluffy stuff you are passing in your urine?

Gods sake… the people on the replies to this are ridiculous. You’re vagina is just cleaning itself out and it usually happens once a week or maybe even daily. You’re fine. (I think, if it gets really bad and it hurts, go see a doctor)

What is the normal urine?


What are the normal constituents of urine?

Normal constituents of urine include water, urea, uric acid, creatinine, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride), ammonia, and various other waste products. Hormones, enzymes, and occasionally small amounts of proteins may also be present.

Is electrolytes normal in urine?
