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The list of possibilities is endless. To narrow down the possibilities, talk with the ordering neurologist about your particular situation.

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Q: You have never had a seizure yet your EEG is abnormal what does that mean?
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What are some causes of an abnormal EEG of the brain?

Some causes of an abnormal EEG (electroencephalogram) of the brain include epilepsy, brain tumors, head injuries, infections such as encephalitis, metabolic disorders, and strokes. The presence of abnormal wave patterns on an EEG can indicate potential seizure activity or other neurological abnormalities.

EEG is abnormal due to presence of infrequent left temporal sharps and slowing. this activity is consisitent with the diagnosis of partial onset seizure disorder?

Yes if the clinical picture is consistant

Can eeg cause seizures?

A person could have a seizure while having an EEG, but that does not mean the EEG is the cause. The EEG is just recording the brain activity. During the course of an EEG a patient is exposed to different things to see what way the brain behaves, like getting the patient to breathe heavily or flashing lights at them.

Diagnosis- Acquired Epileptic Aghasia NEUROLOGY Diag- Abnormal interictal EEG record suggestive of generalized seizure disorder. whats the teatment of this mri report is normal?

Antiseizure medications are necessary.

What does Ictal EEG do?

It is used to measure brain activity during a seizure

What does Electroencephalography diagnose?

The EEG is a key tool in the diagnosis and management of epilepsy and other seizure disorders

What does a venous angioma int he right frontal lobe without hemorrhage mean?

It means you have a vein malformation. I suffered my first seizure ever three days ago. Admitted to hospital, MRI with contrast and EEG showed my venous angioma is in the frontal lobe of my brain. I am now on anti-seizure medication and will have a new MRI and EEG every three months to make sure there are no changes.

Is there a way to show evidence that someone had a seizure like in a CT scan etc?

Not really no, you can only determine it from patient history, first person observation or EEG changes during a seizure.

What is an EEG of the brain?

An EEG is an electroencephalogram which is a device that measures brain activity. If there any problems in the brain they can be seen on an EEG. The brain produces electrical impulses and there are different patterns of impulses. It is this different patterns that are measured with and EEG that can show doctors what might be wrong.

What is an artifact in an EEG?

In an EEG, an artifact refers to any abnormal signal that is not produced by brain activity, such as muscle movements, eye blinks, or external interference in the recording. Artifacts can affect the accuracy of the EEG readings and may need to be identified and removed during data analysis.

Can a EEG brain wave study detect epilepsy?

Epilepsy is diagnosed when someone has had several seizures. Various tests can be done to try and establish the cause, although for many people no cause can be found, as there are many potential cause. People will go on medication to help control their epilepsy.

What is a EEG scan?

It is an electroencephalogram. It evaluates electrical activity produced by the brain, which can signify or rule out certain conditions, most commonly seizure disorders. The EEG takes about an hour to complete, and the results are automatically sketched on paper, while a video monitor records the movement of the patient, which can disrupt the test. It is easier to read an EEG of an adult, since there is less variance in brain activity. This is not true of an EEG test used on a child. There is often so much variance in brain activity that an EEG in children may be consistent with epilepsy where none exists. Generally, seizure disorder in children, without the presence of identifiable seizures requires testing other than an EEG to have confirmed results. As a test progresses, if it is used to examine seizure disorder, a person may be directed to look at flashing lights, which might trigger a seizure. The lights are stopped if evidence from the EEGshows that a person is in pre-seizure mode. Thus the person generally doesn't have a seizure, but shows electrical activity consistent with what would become a seizure. An EEG may also be used to evaluate other conditions. For example, people who come to a hospital in an altered state of consciousness, perhaps after a head injury, would probably have an EEG performed. Migraines have been shown to have a similarEEG pattern, and people who suffer from them may have an EEG to confirm diagnosis. Some psychiatric disorders that are organic in nature can also show a distinct pattern of electrical activity. People with tumors, or with brain abscesses may also show lack of electrical activity in some aspects of the test. As well, an EEGcan measure total lack of brain activity, confirming the death of a patient. Generally an EEG is most helpful in measuring a patient who can be compliant. A screaming child, for example, or a patient with extreme mental disturbance, who cannot remain calm, will have a corrupted EEG test. For children, an EEG is usually scheduled during a child's naptime. Not all brain functions can be measured by an EEG. X-rays or more complex scans would probably follow an EEG that suggests a tumor or cranial swelling in order to confirm the diagnosis. The electrical patterns of the brain are measured against "normal scans." Thus the EEG can be an excellent tool for suggesting variance. However, physicians may have to look further to confirm the actual meanings of variance.