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If your really worried buy a pregnancy test when you reach 4 weeks after intercourse (so two weeks after you posted this), or go and talk to the people who work at your local sexual health clinic.

The more probable thing that has happened is that your body is understress. Stress can cause you to be several weeks late for a period or skip it all together. From personally experience during end of year 11 I skipped my period for 3 months straight because of the stress of exams and so on. Also a drastic change in your diet can cause your period to change. Girls have reported lossing their period all together because of bullemia and/or aneroxia. Woman only produce eggs when their body is ready for babies (this does not mean the woman is mentally ready which is the more important thing to take into account if an accidently pregnancy has happened or before planning a child) Generally a period follows because the egg hasn't been fertalised thus the body needs to clean itself. Earlier in life (during and just after puberty) and later on in life (just before menopause) women sometimes don't even drop an egg thus their period doesn't come.

But as I said earlier, go talk to your local sexual health clinic if your worried, they can help you.

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Q: You haven't had your period in 2 weeks are you pregnant?
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Two weeks after you have your period is typically the most likely time to become pregnant.

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Only if you have missed your period. Yes. You can find out you are pregnant two weeks after intercourse exactly or you can go by the date of your next upcoming period.

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If you are on/had your period your probably not pregnant, but do a pregnancy test to be sure.

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Ten days after a period is the optimum time to conceive. So 2 weeks is about right. Congratulations.

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I was 2 weeks pregnant when I found out. And I was on my period. You can take the test 2 weeks after sex, that is when the pregnancy pretty much starts.

When is the soonest time to test if your pregnant?

2 weeks after your 1st missed period

How far pregnant would you be five weeks after intercourse?

They count pregnancy from your last menstrual period not from when you actually had sex and conceieved. So if its been 5 wks since you had sex and got pregnant but you had your period like a week before that then you'd be 6 weeks pregnant. Or if you started your period 2 weeks before you had sex then you'd be 7 weeks pregnant.

Is it likely to get pregnant 2 days after your period?

No, I don't think so. Typically you ovulate 2 weeks after the start of your period. That's the most likely time to get pregnant.

Is your LMP date is when you got pregnant?

They consider your LMP (Last Monthly Period) to be the starting day of your last period, they track the 40 weeks of pregnancy from that, but no, it's not the actually day where you ovulated and got pregnant. You usually ovulate about 2 weeks AFTER your LMP so technically when you are "4 weeks pregnant" the baby is only 2 weeks.