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No, not at all. Go see a doctor. Ice cream has nothing to do with it, you idiot, you probably have an intestinal bleed or an infection of the uterus.

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Q: You just had your period and you were leaking brown blood then you had some ice cream the next day and was back to normal red blood then one day after you had brown blood again is this normal?
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Can blood clots delay you period?

No. Blood clots are part of a normal period.

Is it normal to give birth at 6 weeks stop bleeding then get you period at 8 weeks for 5 days then 3days after your period you have a little lite red blood again?

It is NOT normal to give birth at 6 weeks.

Is it normal to eat period blood?

i do it all of the time and i think its normal.

What do you do when your blood is black?

If you have black blood from your period that is normal if it comes out when your not on your period than go to your doctor and get checked.

What does it mean if I am on the pill am a week early and have heavy clotting and brownish tones in my period?

The brownish blood is nothing to worry about. All it means is that the blood dried somewhat before leaking out. It is normal, so don't worry about it. It doesn't have anything to do with your birth control.

Can you get pregnant if you had red and brown coming out from your period?

Yes, it is normal for a period to have different shades of blood. The brown is blood dried blood and the red is new.

Am due your period some blood in your cervix is this normal?

Yes, of course it's normal to have blood in your cervix when due your period. Your cervix is the opening to your uterus, thus as it starts to shed the blood will pass through your cervix.

Dark blood in the millde of your period?

The blood from your period should be dark, not bright, red because it is "old" blood that the uterus sheds. It is also normal to see clots or lumps of blood during your period.

I Can't stop period blood in the shower is that bad?

no it is not its normal

Is it normal to have discharge while on your period?

It depends on what type of discharge. If the discharge is blood, then of course it is normal.

What if period is a light flow of bright red blood?

Then it's a normal period, nothing to worry about.

What does bright red period blood mean?

Bright red period blood typically occurs on the heaviest days of your period. It is totally normal and does not mean that there is anything wrong.