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i want to write a application for i m going to going out of city due to attend marriage i take 6 days leave from my office

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Q: You m going to a family trip for 6 days take you a good reason for write a leave application?
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To write a leave application for going out of the city, be precise on the dates that will be missed. Also include the reason for the leave and any emergency numbers in case contact needs to be made.

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To write an application of leave for a personal reason one must include when the plan on leaving and how long they would like to leave. They must also include details the are comfortable with providing.

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Requesting a leave for any reason should give advance notice of the request. The reason, such as for religious purposes should be stated. Full contact information should be included.

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You can write an application for compensatory leave by giving a reason on why you need the leave. You also need to include the dates as far as how long you'll need to take off.

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this is my

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One sample thing to put on the application is the reason for the medical leave. You should also put on the application how the leave is expected.

Can i leave my home if im 17 and i live in nc?

You can leave your home if you are 17 and live in NC depending on the reason for leaving and where you are going to live. If you are going to live with a family member, you can often do this without a judgment from the court system.

How do you write a leave application in Hindi for school?

To write a leave application in Hindi for school, begin with addressing the principal or class teacher respectfully. State the reason for the leave and the duration of leave requested. End the application with your regards and name. Be sure to write it in a formal and polite tone.