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Check the ingredient on the label of your muesli and yoghurt (well, all your food actually) make sure they do not contain much sugar (and also High fructose corn syrup, Aspartame, acesulfame-k). High sugar = fat The ingredient list is put in order from Highest to lowest content. So if the sugar comes in the first few of the ingredient, it has quite alot of it. First make sure your dairy milk and yoghurt is not homogenized. Even better if it is not pasteurised. Get raw milk and yoghurt if you can find them in your local organic store. The main importance is the dairy is not UHT or homogenized and it is certified organic. When you discard the above i mentioned, generally substituting bread pasta or rice that you get from supermarket with muesli yoghurt and nuts is overall better for your health because you will avoid the refined, whitened,bleached flour products. However, wholegrain bread, pasta and wholegrain rice are very good food as well. And you can only find these genuine food in your local organic store. You might want to eat different food on alternate day to expose yourself to variety of nutrients. Going back to your question :P , yes there is a good possibility that you will lose weight. But don't let your body get too hungry at night because you reduce your food intake. Make sure your yoghurt contain LIVE bacteria to get the benefit of yoghurt. Bare in mind, balanced diet and good exercise can not be separated to achieve ideal weight for you! and your health! For more information go to Mercola dot com

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Q: You only eat muesli and yogurt a few nuts and fruit sometimes a meal in the evening with no bread pasta or rice will you lose weight?
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What is muesli?

Muesli is a Swiss breakfast cereal made from raw oats, nuts and fruit. It is typically served with milk or yogurt.

Losing Weight With A Yogurt Diet?

Yogurt is a great way to lose weight since it is low in calories but gives the stomach the impression that its full. By learning how to use yogurt to help you lose weight, you can lose weight with yogurt in no time at all. Replace one of your daily meals such as lunch or breakfast with a yogurt item. Replacing one of your daily meals will help you consume less calories, making it easier to lose weight. It is only possible to lose weight when your body is burning more calories then it takes in, so yogurt makes this goal easier to attain.

Is yogurt a starch?

it depends what flavor it will sometimes sometimes it says it on the back

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That depends on the yogurt.

Can give kitten a little spoon of yogurt?

noi guess you could i give my kitties yogurt sometimes

How does yogurt aid in weight loss?

according to a new study Yogurt helps the body burn fat, speed weight loss and maintain the muscle mass! via webMD, read the article here:

Can eating yogurt after a meal help you to lose weight?

No, no, and no.

What is musli?

Muesli is a breakfast dish made of raw rolled oats. It may contain other ingredients such as grains, fresh or dried fruits, seeds and nuts, milk, soy milk, yogurt or fruit juice.

Can you put whey in your plain yogurt and lose weight?

Recent studies show yogurt DOES NOT help you lose weight. The dairy industry had to change their commercials that used to state eating yogurt everyday helps lose weight to eating yogurt everyday along with a healthy diet and exercise regimen helps to lose weight. In fact, studies have shown that everyday consumption of yogurt can cause reproductive cancers in females. Some studies were stopped early because of it. If you would like references to these studies please contact me.

Is the yogurt diet for weight loss safe?

The yogurt diet entails eating a yogurt as a replacement meal for one or two of your regular meals a day. Yogurt has lower calories than most other foods.

Why is yogurt sometimes black?

It might be moldy or it might be the dye.

Can alchol be used to avoid yogurt getting saur?

There is not any scientific evidence that alcohol can be used to avoid yogurt from getting sour. However, it is sometimes used to prevent yogurt from curdling while cooking.