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For now, yes. But you should consider moving them into a larger tank.

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Q: Your tank is 12 x 8 inches and has two baby Oscars is this ok?
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What can you do to keep two 4-inch long Oscars mentally stimulated?

The Oscar fish naturally stay calm when they are in a pair.keeping more than two Oscars in the same fish tank can cause then to get aggressiveso keep two Oscars at the max in one tank.

Will two redtail Oscars fish get alone in the same tank?

A Redtail and an Oscar are two different types of fish

How big of a tank do baby red eared slider turtles need?

A baby red-eared slider does not need a big tank. However, turtles grow fairly quickly, so, if you buy a tiny tank, you will have to buy a larger one when the turtle grows. So, to save money, you might want to just buy a large, adult-sized tank, and let the turtle grow into it. When I first got my red-eared slider (two and a half years ago), she was only a hatchling, about the size of a silver dollar (like, an inch and a half). At first, I got her a tiny tank (see the Related Link). When she grew too big for that, I got her a tank that was 12 inches long and 10 inches wide. Then she grew too big for that, so, now she lives in a tank that is 20 inches long and 12 inches wide.

How long is the length of a newborn baby?

A newborn baby is usually about 24 inches long, or two feet

Can you put two girl green anoles and a baby in the same tank?

the girls will probley eat the baby you never know

Has Pixar won 201 Oscars?

No, as of right now, they have won twenty-two Oscars.

If you have two filters that are rated for 75 gallon tanks and only have a 55 gallon tank can you have two Oscars and will they be happy?

No problem. Your filters are rated to clean up to or no more than 75 gallons of water. Less water is OK. 55 gallons is great size tank and your filters should keep it nice and clean. Your Oscars should be very happy. Don't forget to change the filters every couple of weeks. Have fun.

For which movie did Clint Eastwood win his first Oscar?

Clint Eastwood has been nominated for ten Oscars and won four. In 1993 he won an Oscar for Best Director and another for Best Picture for his movie Unforgiven. In 2005 he won two more Oscars for Best Picture and Best Director for his movie Million Dollar Baby.

How many gallons is a tank forty-eight inches by forty-eight inches by seventy-two inches?

231 cubic inches = 1 gallon 48x48x72= 165,888 cubic inches 165888/231=718.13 gallons

What can you do to make your Oscars to mate?

No one can make Oscars mate. Oscars need to be mature and in breeding condition and must also be in a very large tank. They also need to choose their own mate. Sometimes two females will spawn together so their owner thinks they are a pair and then wonders why the eggs never develop into fry. There is no known way to sex Oscars other than by an expert 'venting' them no matter what other people say. Oscars are one of the fish that come under the category of having "No sexual dimorphism".

How large can guppies grow?

Male gupies grow up 0.5 to 1.5 inches, and female guppies grow up 1.5 to 2.5 inches.

What size tank should you have for two oscar's and a few jack dempsey's?

Oscars get extremely large so I would suggest something at least 180 gallon, but 250-300 would be better.