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Coronary Heart disease has become a silent killer of both men and women across the globe. In America alone, over half a million people die from the disease each year. Other countries are experiencing a rise of deaths as well, particularly Europe. Coronary heart disease, also referred to as coronary artery disease, kills more folks around the globe than any other disease. While this used to be a disease that affects those middle-aged and older, there has been a drastic rise in cases of those much younger contracting the disease. In fact, symptoms of coronary heart disease can be detected in a child as young as ten years old.

Coronary heart disease progresses very slowly. A poor diet and lack of exercise are directly related to the onset of coronary artery disease. Other poor habits, including smoking and drug use, can contribute to coronary heart disease as well. The walls of an artery are very strong, but have the potential to become irritated easily. Arteries are irritated by fat buildup, cholesterol buildup, toxic buildup and cell debris. Toxic buildup in cells due to smoking can lead to cell debris. Fat and cholesterol buildup occurs by eating a poor diet. When these damaging substances pass through the arteries, small amounts of them stick to the walls of the arteries. Overtime, the artery will become more narrow. Eventually, the artery will clog up.

Most folks are not aware that their arteries are slowly clogging due to their food and lifestyle choices. By the time the person suffering from coronary heart disease starts to get symptoms, the artery is already significantly blocked. In this case, a doctor may recommend bypass surgery. This surgery is designed to remove blockages in the heart so that the blood flow of the heart can return to normal. Single, Double, Triple and Quadruple bypass surgeries will be recommended depending on how many chambers of the heart have arteries that are blocked.

Every organ and muscle in the body needs a continuous supply of blood to function normally. The heart is no different. The job of the coronary artery is to continuously feed the heart enriching blood. When the heart is not getting enough blood, the result is a heart attack. Symptoms that you may have coronary heart disease include chest palpitations, chest pains, chest pressure, heart pain and shortness of breath. Anyone experiencing these symptoms likely have coronary heart disease and should seek help immediately.

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Q: Causes and Symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease?
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Obviously coronary heart disease! A blocked coronary artery reduces blood flow & thus Oxygen to the heart which in turn causes Angina when a person will experience pain & breatlessness. Without treatment a blockage can cause a heart attack.

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a completely clogged coronary artery is one the things that causes heart attacks (myocardial infarctions)

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Coronary artery disease, in and of itself, does not cause pain. What causes pain is the restriction of blood flow to the cardiac muscle itself, which causes a buildup of metabolic byproducts, including lactic acid and carbon dioxide (amongst others), which results in pain from ischemia and acidosis. The acidosis and ischemia result in abnormal function in the affected muscle, which, depending on where it is, may result in other symptoms, such as shortness of breath, congestive heart failure, and rapid or irregular heart rates. Coronary artery disease is the process that most frequently leads to the blockage of blood flow, but without the restriction of blood flow, does not cause pain.

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Coronary Heart Disease – A Silent Killer of Men and Women?

Coronary heart disease, also known as coronary artery disease, is a disease of the heart that forms when the veins that feed blood and oxygen to the heart become clogged. This disease affects millions of Americans, and kills over 500,000 people in the United States alone each year. However, coronary heart disease is not just a problem that Americans face. The disease is becoming more common in Europe and other Westernized countries. Heart related diseases kill more people around the world than any other disease or causes. Many are not aware that they are suffering from coronary heart disease. The disease slowly progresses. It is possible to see the beginning signs of coronary artery disease in a child of 10 years old or younger. The heart is a muscle and needs its own supply of enriching blood, just like every other muscle and organ in the body. The heart pumps this supply of blood through the hearts chambers. The coronary artery is the main arteries of the heart and has the job of bringing the most oxygen rich blood to the heart. There are other smaller arteries that feed the heart as well. Healthy coronary arteries have very smooth and flexible walls. The walls are strong, but can become easily irritated. Substances that irritate the arteries are calcium, cholesterol, fats and cell debris. When these substances pass through the arteries in excessive amounts, small amounts will stick to the artery walls. This causes the artery walls to slowly harden and starts the onset of coronary heart disease. Over the years, the artery will become narrower due to the buildup of these substances. Eventually the artery will become clogged. The buildup that occurs inside of the coronary artery walls is called atherosclerosis. This is when the fat, debris, cholesterol and calcium turns into a hardened plaque like substance. These plaque deposits build up and continuously become thicker. Symptoms of closing arteries are chest pressure and heart pain, which is referred to as angina. At this stage, the person affected has coronary heart disease. When the blood supply to the heart is completely blocked, the result is a heart attack. Heart bypass surgery is a common way that those with coronary artery disease remove plaque buildup in the arteries. Double, Triple and Quadruple bypass surgery is for those who have arteries in various chambers of the heart blocked. These surgeries are very risky. The best way to avoid getting coronary artery disease is to prevent the disease altogether by eating a healthy and balanced diet and establishing a regular exercise routine.

Main cause of heart attack?

There are many causes. Some of them are: ---- ARTHERIOSCLEROISIS ---- CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE

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Most commonly it is due to digitalis toxicity...sometime it may be due to AV node block or coronary artery disease. Juctional tachycardia may be precipitated by Hyperkalemia in a patient with conduction system disease.

What are the main causes of renal artery stenosis?

The two main causes of renal artery stenosis are atherosclerosis and fibromuscular disease.

What causes angina pectoris?

Usually a stenotic coronary artery caused by atherosclerosis. The stenotic (narrowed) artery can give a brief period of ischemia (withholding of blood) to a region of the heart, which is felt as an intense pain. Angina pectoris is a sign that a more serious episode of ischemic attack can happen for that artery. If it is left untreated, it is very likely that the artery will eventually become completely clogged and the ensuing prolonged ischemia will cause a myocardial infarction (i.e. heart attack).

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