

It Is Important To Exercise a Knee In Pain?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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12y ago

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The mere term "knee pain exercise" may sound confusing and a bit intimidating to the patient who suffers with knee pain. After all, how can you obey a doctor's orders to rest your knee yet hear another doctor say to exercise it? Actually, there is a balance between the two extremes of knee pain resolution. You should certainly not overwork your knee, and with pain like you have been suffering with, it is certain also that you should not participate in any strenuous activity that could cause further damage. Much of this knee pain remedy depends on whether your pain is due to an illness, condition or to an injury. If the knee pain stems from an auto immune condition such as rheumatoid Arthritis, gout, fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis or Lupus, then light exercise is a vital and important part of keeping everything flowing throughout your leg, which will help to loosen the muscles and ease your pain. If your knee pain is the result of an injury, you may be ordered to keep your knee immobile, which would then mean you would just find ways to exercise the rest of your body while your knee recovers and rests.

Assuming that your knee pain stems from a condition that causes it to stiffen, swell or just feel painful, stretching is the first exercise you should practice. Stretching gets everything moving around so that the lactic acid can flow and your joints can loosen, but it does not put pressure on the joint or further damage the muscles around the painful area. If your knee is comfortable moving to another level of exercise, try just walking around your neighborhood. Don't venture out with the idea that you will go for a half hour long jog, since the impact and pressure of running and jogging can send your knee pain skyrocketing. However, walking with a pair of good walking shoes on will help to build up the muscles that support your knee, thereby giving your knee further opportunity to return to a normal state. You may want to start out just walking down your street; don't forget that you still have to walk back though, so don't keep walking until you start to feel pain or you could end up in agony on the return trip.

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Q: It Is Important To Exercise a Knee In Pain?
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It depends on why you are having knee pain. If the knee pain is due to weight being placed on the knee, then using an exercise bike or a recumbent exercise bike may help ease the pain. If the pain is due to a motion caused used while walking, then using a bike will probably only exacerbate this pain. In either case, you should probably consult your doctor about the pain.

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You can find out more information about the Feel Good Knees System on Diziti website, which helps you decrease your knee pain rapidly.

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Pain in the back of the knee can be relieved simply by placing your leg in an elevated position and stretch it. Massage it whilst it is stretching for at least five minutes. Drinking lots of water will also aliviated the pain, as this will diminish the fluid around your knee. Pain in the back of the knee is simply a build up of fluid. Exercise at least once every hour. I found that dancing is a good form of exercise.

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One of the best things you can do for short term knee pain is actually to avoid exercise and focus on rest, heat and ice. If your pain is relieved by that and you give it about a week you can start to build up to normal exercise from something like an elliptical which is low impact to something like running which is high impact.

Are there effective knee exercise that help manage knee pain.?

You could try doing knee to chest stretches until pain is relieved. If not helped try to see a doctor. Try to ice and heat on a regular bases and avoid strenuous activity to avoid chronic pain.

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You should talk to your doctor first before starting any exercise for the knee joint pain because they will let you know what type of exercises for you would be good. But some of the exercises he/she will have you do may include a treadmill, an exercise bike, weights, or other exercise equipment.

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The same exercises you do on land can also be done in water. Knee pain exercise is better performed in the water because there is less impact on the knee but the resistance is harder. You could start with leg lifts and partial squats.

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Knee strengthening exercises is important. You can visit robertstrainingsytems, sparkpeople, webmd and knee-pain-explained online to check out a knee strengthening exercises.

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Several health conditions can cause knee pain, including repetitive movement or disease of the knee joint. In addition, injuries such as fractures, ligament tears, and arthritis also result in knee pain. The most common form of knee pain. is called primary osteoarthritis. Dr. Tushar Ubale is an Orthopedic doctor in Mumbai with strong expertise in knee pain management

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