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Q: What percentage of people live in southern hemisphere?
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Do we live in the northern hemisphere or southern hemisphere?

People live in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

Which hemisphere is south of where most people live?

in North America that would be Southern Hemisphere:)

If you live in the southern hemisphere which hemisphere is south of where you live?

If you live in the southern hemisphere, anything south of you is in the southern hemisphere. The total of things south of you makes up less than a whole hemisphere, so there is no hemisphere south of you.

Why do no penguins live in the southern hemisphere?

That is not true, all penguins live in the southern hemisphere

Why do people live in both Northern and Southern hemisphere?

you have to look at the map

In what hemisphere do macaws live in?

the macaws live in the southern hemisphere

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we live on the northern and western

Do all of the penguins live in the Northern Hemisphere?

no they all live in the southern hemisphere.

Do more people live in the northern or southern hemisphere?

In the Northern Hemisphere. Nearly 90% of the world's population lives here.

What is the weather like on earth?

well, it depends on where you live. if you live in the Northern hemisphere it will be cold and if you live in the Southern hemisphere it will be pretty hot

What time is spring this year?

It depends whether you live in the Northern or the Southern Hemisphere. If you live in the Northern hemisphere spring starts in March, And if you live in the Southern hemisphere spring starts in September.

What hemisphere do all penguins live in?

Southern except for those that live in northern zoos Expanded answer: Well hi they live n the southern hemisphere