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The advantages of isolationism

-don't have to get tangled up in any wars, except within your own country, and if your nation is attacked. You save much money by not spending money on other countries problems and restoring them.

-You never need to have a army ready at all times, you just place what you need around your own country for protection. You don't need to protect other countries; you can focus on protecting yourself.

-You will not make many enemies during isolationism because your not getting involved in other country's affairs. You also focus more on the people of your country and improving than other citizen of Another Country.

Disadvantages of isolationisms

-are that if keep to yourself, the world could be chaos and it could end up affecting you.

-When you need help in war, you will most likely not have many people to help you because you were focused on your own country.

-A very big disadvantage of isolating your country is that if you trade with a country and you depend much on that source weather oil, food, and clothing ex. If that country gets bombed or attacked that affects you and your country.

The advantages of Imperialism

-are that is raises awareness of human rights issues.

-Environmental issues that needed to be address also comes to awareness.

-If you are involved in the war you almost have a say of controlling what happens or stopping what happens. Another good thing is you help so many countries that they help you back sometimes, stronger allies than isolationism. You get to influence the world more and influence people to trade with you.

-Also you can write policies to other countries, having much more control of war and affairs.

The disadvantages of imperialism

-is much more war.

-Also a huge bad thing about imperialism is that you spend so much money helping little countries;

-you barely focus and have enough money for your own country.

-Also it cost much more money on your war and navy rather than spending it on schools, health, education and the government.

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