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I don't recall Jefferson saying that but I do agree with it from todays perspective. Due to some bad reasoning in various decisions the courts have developed an attitude that almost any dispute can become grounds for a constitutional argument and they are increasingly limiting the ability of the people to govern themselves through the legislative process by declaring ever greater spheres of human activity to be constitutionally protected rights despite the fact that the text of the constitution is devoid of even the slightest reference to these things. They are thus changing the meaning of the constitution without the consent of the people of the several states as provided for in the amendment clause of Article five. Michael Montagne

I partially agree with Jefferson's intelligance in this statement. Government is given too much power but it's not just that fact that allows them so much of our nation's power. Government is not only given power but it takes power as well. Every time they do so it's just something small such as tax, so as not to get our citizens of America suspicious. Our people have allowed this to happen over and over again without fighting back and sometimes without even awknowledgement of the situation it's put itself in. Government has power we could not imagine at the moment. If they wanted to lock us inside our house forever until we die they could. The power is given to government no doubt and not very easily changed. It's wether our citizens of America know how much is too much and know when to stop what's happening.

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Q: Does Jefferson's warning that courts have too much power apply to the courts today?
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