Currently the the United States has a very high level of debt. One reason for this was the expensive cost of the wars it has fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The reason y this country is in so much debt
Yes, once in 1835, when Andrew Jackson was president. He hated the Federal Bank and debt and tried very hard to completely get rid of it. He didn't quite succeed at getting rid of the Federal bank (obviously) but he did succeed in having America become debt free for the first (and so far the only) time since America became its own country.
Well everyone is in debt one way or another so your question could be answered in two ways in terms of money or in terms of a physical achievement and a recognition to another for a help or service
higher taxes mean the corporations will go over seas where the taxes are lower, and then they will lose their tax base.
There were too many blacks wanting to work in the bank, so they were all killed. This is why there was so much controversy.
No, a debt collector must legally tell you what kind of debt you owe and how much debt you owe. You can consult an attorney for more details.
No. The debt is simply discharged so you don't owe it.
When people are in debt! You can owe people so much money that you actually have a negative amount of money.
well its not just the Iraq war that has us in so much debt, this is only like 3 % of the debt that this war creates. & were up to 53 trillion dollars in debt
Because if you have a debt, and you add more debt, then you can't suddenly have less debt. If you owe me $5, then you borrow another $5, then you owe me $10. There is no way that borrowing more money from me will make it so that you owe me less money. It's the exact same way with any mathematical problem.
I think only 45% of the population actually pays any tax- if that is so, the debt per tax payer is about $103,000. The debt clock ( see the related link) estimates tha debt per person at $46,142.69 this evening of July 14.2011.
I'm assuming you mean a high credit score, which is determined by 35% debt payment history, 30% debt levels, 15% length of debt, 10% new debt, and 10% type of debt. So, a high credit score can mean that you do owe money and have a good history of paying it on time, but it can still be high even if you recently eliminated all your debt.
About the thing. READ the book and find out!! Stop being so lazy and relying on the computer!
Because the US spends far more each year than it takes in. That is called the deficit. Every year that we have a deficit, we need to borrow money to make up the difference. That is called the debt. Much of that loaned money comes from China, or the debt was assigned to China by whoever the US borrowed from. Since we're living on borrowed money, we have to owe someone. China is one of those someones.
Care One Credit is a debt consolidation company. If you owe multiple places they consolidate your debt into one lump sum, so you only have one payment. They also negotiate settlements for you on your debt.
America doesn't owe China or Japan anything. If anything, they owe China because they were allies in WWII and were one of the original four countries to form the UN.
This one is easy pay the money you owe to your creditors and inform the credit report company you have done so