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The three branches of government as set forth by the Constitution of the United States of America are supposed to work in harmony with each other while at the same time jealously guarding the limited power each branch was granted them by the people. The three branches of government are; the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch. The legislative branch, being the most populated with elected officials who represent the people has been granted the power of enacting legislation, the complete and plenary power of taxation, the power to declare war, and to some vague power to promote the general welfare. The executive branch on the federal level consists of mainly the president who is also the commander in chief, who has been granted the power to veto or sign into law legislation written by Congress, and is responsible for delivering State of the Union addresses from time to time. The judicial branch on the federal level consist of the United States Supreme Court where nine justices each not elected by the people but appointed by the president with advise and consent from Congress and the Supreme Court has the power to decide the constitutionality of legislation.

While the intention of a three branched government with separate powers was to keep the balance of power in favor of the people, this is hardly the result. The President of the United States today is known to most of the world as the leader of the free world, where he finds increasing power through the dubious acts of Executive Orders, who doesn't waste time convincing Congress to declare war on this countries enemies and instead encourages legislation that would allow him to even further by pass Constitutional restraints so he may police the world. Today, the voters listen attentively while political candidates for the Presidency explain how they will bring universal health care to the people even though such an act would have to be legislated by Congress and assuming the Supreme Court is interested in the rule of law the whole health care issue proposed by a presidential candidate who won't have any power to legislate it if elected would be struck down as unconstitutional anyway.

While Congress has the power to declare war the politicians who run for office have found it politically expedient to allow the sitting President to go ahead and run the military in anyway he sees fit, unless the people who oppose the wars that follow grow into massive numbers then they will stand on their soap box and demand special legislation, Congressional hearings and Constitutional Amendments that would punish the sitting President for going to war without any declaration from Congress. The Supreme Court while limited in its original power granted them by the people found new powers in the activism of judges who created their own laws, levied taxes on the public through judicial policies and increasingly decide on laws that favor the government over the people while dismissing the rights of the people as privileges that exist to be regulated by the court approved tyrants we call our elected officials. Each branch has discovered hidden and secret meanings in the Constitution as if it were written by Nostradamus instead of many men who attended a Constitutional convention that have made each branch more powerful and rather than serving to check the other two branches, their idea of harmony is to create unwritten powers and share it amongst the branches. As long as it means abusing the rights of the people then it will find approval within any branch of the government. If the people want a good debate then lead them towards protecting the rights of the people and watch the debates begin, the filibusters blow long and hard, the press conferences go on and on as government keeps going about the business of reigning in the rights of the people.

There is, of course, of fourth branch of government not granted any power by the Constitution because it all ready exists within the people. The people powerful united, can only serve their country as individuals and as individuals should, we should all know that our government does not believe it is their responsibility to inform us when our rights are being destroyed. It is the responsibility of the people to inform the government as individuals of the rights of man and the limitations of government.

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16y ago
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12y ago

Their are 3 branches of the government in fact media is the fourth branch.they should work in their limits.and should not interfere in the business of the other branch.

they should interact where necessary other wise should concentrate on their own work.

{ { { TAHA } } }


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10y ago

Branch 1 - a bicameral legislature, creates laws

Branch 2 - the executive, approves and enforces laws

Branch 3 - the judiciary, interprets the laws

This is not how it really works, but in the minds of the founding fathers, the above checks and balances were to prevent any one branch from getting too much power.

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16y ago

they interact through bord meetings like all orgs they have meetings by the chefs of staff. and on the ground through radios. through orgs like the signals and gchq. regards terry.

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10y ago

They relate to eachother by having equal power and they work together to protect the constitution and they help eachother understand things.

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The legislature makes law whereas it is the executive who accents or declines to these law. The judiciary might be called upon to offer a ruling on a legal stalemate.

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13y ago

By them interacting

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The United States government has three branches because the Founding Fathers believed the branches would check and balance each other.

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The three branches of government, the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, interact through a system of checks and balances. Each branch has the ability to limit the power of the others to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. For example, the executive branch can veto legislation passed by the legislative branch, the judicial branch can declare laws unconstitutional, and the legislative branch can impeach members of the executive branch.

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At the present time.. in an unconstitutional manner.

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Checks and Balances

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No, but they are intertwined since all three of them depend on each other's support.

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Checks and Balances means that no one branch of the government can overpower the other branches of government. Each has a check on the power of the other branches. This provides for the necessity of cooperation among the three branches and allows the government to enact favorable legislation.

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The U.S is a Republic. The system of checks and balancesallows each branch to prevent the other branches from gaining too much power.