If we are talking about the period during the French Revolution: after more or less self-destructing, the Terror gave way to the era of Napoleon, who went on to redraw the map of Europe through his wars and conquests and whose laws still influence the legal systems on much of the European continent.
The reign of terror was incited by a conflict between rival political factions, the Girondins and the Jacobins. The Jacobins gained control of the committee of public safety, and at this point Maximilien Robespierre made his entrance quickly becoming the most influential member of the Committee as it moved to take radical measures against the Revolution's domestic and foreign enemies. The reign of terror was located in Paris..
the Reign of Terror
It was significant because the radical jacobins used fear to persuade the citizens.
They were allowed to execute, they were responsible for thousands of executions, in what was known as the, "Reign of Terror "
the invasion of french by several foreign armies
He is noteworthy in history as the creator or the Reign of Terror.
In the Reign of Terror.
The Reign of Terror.
He was famous for the Reign of Terror and the abuse of power.
Germany had the Holocaust. France had the Reign of Terror.
The Reign of Terror was called The reign of Terror because hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Royalists, people who supported the Royalists and anyone who was thought to be a threat was violently beheaded.
the guillotine because it was used so often during the reign of terror and most of all the Great terror, which occurred during the reign of terror
Hitler's Reign of Terror was created in 1934.
The thermidorean reaction was the dismantling of the machinery of the reign of terror. The Reign of Terror occurred in France from 1793 to 1794.
Robespierre was responsible for the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution. He was eventually guillotined.
Robespierrie started the Reign of Terror, and it came to an end when he was arrested and guillotined by his enemies.
Reign of Terror - demo - was created in 1984-10.