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It was divided into 4 parts: USA, USSR, France and GBR (England) with the goal being for these countries to help rebuild Germany after WW2. But France and Britain needed to rebuild their own countries so Germany was split into just US (west) and USSR (east) and would eventually lead to the building of the Berlin Wall (c. 1961)

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10y ago

At the Potsdam Conference, it was decided that Germany would be split into four demilitarized zones, occupied by the Allies. The Nazi-imposed discriminatory laws would be repealed, and German industries could not make weapons.

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12y ago

Initially, Germany was split into 4 zones by the Allies, as was the capital city of Berlin. An American Zone, a British zone, a French zone, and a Soviet zone. Not long after, the allies decided to combine their zones into a single zone which became West Germany and West Berlin.

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8y ago

The western half of Germany would stay under British, French, and U.S. control and the eastern half would stay in the soviet hands.

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Q: What was decided about Germany at the Potsdam Conference?
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What Allied leaders accomplish during the Potsdam Conference?

They decided how to treat Germany after its surrender.

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They decided how to treat Germany after its surrender.

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At the Potsdam Conference, the Allies agreed to split Germany into four zones of occupation.

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The Potsdam Conference consisted of England/Churchill , Russia/Stalin and US/Truman .