The story goes that Emperor Constantine saw a cross in the sky before a battle which he later won, this being instrumental in his conversion to Christianity.
Constantine was the first Christian Emperor of Rome, the history of Europe would be fundamentally different without him.
It would be a mixed constituion. Polybius saw the Rome's republican system as a mixed constituion
Rome is a city in Italy. The leader of Italy is the leader of Rome.
Early Rome was governed by kings, but after only seven of them had ruled, the Romans took power over their own city and ruled themselves. They then instead had a council known as the 'senate' which ruled over them. Entry to the senate was by birth or rank. Later it was the consuls who nominated new members to the senate.
they left rome and rome didnt know what tot do?
Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.Virgil, besides being a great poet, had special significance to Rome as he was the one who wrote Rome's epic poem about the founding of the city and how their ancestors came to Italy.
The legend goes that King Constantine saw a vision of a cross in the sky before a battle, which inspired him to convert to Christianity and carry the cross as a symbol into battle, leading to victory. This event is linked to the story of Saint Andrew.
He observed Venus in the sky far away and saw what looked like the form of the Cross. From then on he was revered as a man who saw Christ.
On the Milvian bridge, It was here that Constantine saw the cross in the sky,and immediately, he won a victory.This was the reason of his conversion and his belief to the cross of Jesus Christ.
Sky Saw was created in 1975.
A monk called Regulus. He was shipwrecked on the east coast of Scotland and saw a white cross in the sky
The first person that probably saw the sky saw it but Issac Newton saw that the light coming from the sky would range into a spectrum of colors.
The Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem in Rome.
Noah saw in the sky the first rainbow.
Constantine the Great was preparing for a major battle and he saw a cross in the sky. He ordered that all of his soldiers paint the cross onto their shields and he crushed his enemy. He then made Christianity the main religion
God Saw A Cross Rodney Griffin / Songs of Greater Vision / BMI V1 When Adam saw his wife sin in the garden In the distance God saw a cross When Cain killed his brother God was watching And God saw a cross When Moses slew the Egyptian man in anger God saw a cross And when David chose Bathsheba over honor God knew there had to be a cross CH God saw a cross being raised on the horizon God saw His son being slain for one and all God saw His blood being shed for my redemption For every fall God saw a cross V2 When I was born the world just saw a sinner Oh but thanks to Jesus God saw a cross And when I first rejected His great offer I'm so thankful God still saw a cross And with each wicked choice I walked in darkness My God saw a cross So blinded by my sin, my soul was helpless With eyes of mercy God still saw a cross Bridge And when I finally gave my heart to Jesus From that moment of time until forever When God sees me He only sees the cross Last Chorus God sees a cross… God sees His son who was… God sees His blood that was… Last line: God sees a cross
Constantine I he was an Athiest but turned to Christian. He was preparing for battle and he saw a cross in the sky and thought it was a message from God that he wanted him to win the battle so he had his men but the cross on there shields and he won.
he saw a puzzle peice that was the colour of the sky