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Q: Is the mace in the house of reps or senate?
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Related questions

What are the 2 part of congress?

house of reps. and senate

What are the two houses of Congress called?

The Senate and House of Representatives.

What is senate and house of reps together called?


What is included in the legislative branch?

House of Reps and the Senate

What is the symbol of the Speaker's authority?

The Mace

What are the two parts of the general assembly?

senate house of reps

How many people are there in the house of senate?

This is the United States, where there is ot anything called the house of senate. There is a Senate which has 59 members, from each state. The other branch of congress is called the House of Representatives, and the number of reps in the House of Reps depends on the number that have been elected from each state district.

All parts of legislative branch?

senate (100) house of reps (40)

How many reps are in the senate?

I know why you are confused. There are two houses the House of Representatives and the Senate. There are 100 members in the Senate and 435 in the House of Representatives.I know why you are confused. There are two houses the House of Representatives and the Senate. There are 100 members in the Senate and 435 in the House of Representatives.

How is senate and house of commons are almost similar?

If you are talking about the house of commons in England. First of all, congress in the US is split into 2 seperate groups, the house of representatives (amount of reps. per state determined by population) and the senate (same amount of reps. per state, 2 each) the parliament on the other hand is separated into the house of lords (the equivalent of the senate) and the house of commons (equivalent to the house of reps.) so the similarity are very few, the senate is the "upper house" and the house of commons is a "lower house". the only similarity is that they both run the government.

Names of parliaments in different countrieslike in India we call it as Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?

Australia - House of Representitives and the Senate. House of Reps has the Prime Minister, the Party that wins the most votes in the House of Reps wins the election. Senate is made up of more minor parties (usually) and has the power to block legislation coming from the House of Reps.

What is the House of representatives role in Australia?

Together with the Senate, the House of Reps constitutes the parliament, which is responsible for passing laws in issues that the commonwealth have power over. The House of Reps is also where it is decided who will for government.