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The Supreme Cour recognized tha burning the American flag is an exrecise of our freedom of speech. In the case of the State of Texas vs Johnson. They said that he could not be arrested for it because under the 1st amendment of the constituiton it was considered symbolic speech and therefore protected.

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Q: The Supreme Court recognized that burning an American flag is an exercise of which freedom?
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The Supreme Court recognized that burning an American flag as an exercise of what freedom?

The Supreme Court decided flag desecration involved "expressive" political speech, which they declared an important component of free speech protected by the First Amendment.For more information about Supreme Court decisions on flag burning, see Related Links, below.

Does Flag Burning Violate the First Amendment?

Yes, the US Supreme Court has ruled that Flag burning is a protected form of speech.

Why has the Supreme Court repeatedly ruled that flag burning is a protected form of political protest?

Government is not allowed to prohibit the action or expression of an idea [protected by the First Amendment] simply because the public or society finds it offensive. Flag burning to this day is an ongoing argument. There have been two cases: United States v. Eichman & Texas v. Johnson. Both cases were overturned. Certain "interest groups" and various government officials still fight to prohibit flag burning.

When was the US Capitol destroyed?

By the British in 1814, during the war of 1812, in retaliation for the American burning of York (Toronto). The partially completed building was set on fire.

A decision of the us supreme court can be overturned by?

A later decision, or refinement ruling of the same court; or a ruling of that same court based upon a new or amended law to comply with that ruling. For example: John burns the US Flag on the steps of the State Capital. The State arrests him because the state amended its constitution based on a previous decision by the US Supreme court that flag burning is protected speech, thereby making flag burning unlawful. The US Supreme court would rule that the amendment violates the US Constitution (which is superior) and strike down the state amendment. The State then writes a law that John has to buy a permit to burn the flag in any form of protest. The US Supreme Court would uphold that law as long as it did not: 1) discriminate in who the permits were issued to, or 2) make the cost or time involved in issuance of the permit unbearable (too much to afford). **Please note this is just a simple example and involves a lot more than is illustrated. FOR PLATO - an amendment to the constitution

Related questions

The Supreme Court recognized that burning an American flag as an exercise of what freedom?

The Supreme Court decided flag desecration involved "expressive" political speech, which they declared an important component of free speech protected by the First Amendment.For more information about Supreme Court decisions on flag burning, see Related Links, below.

Why do you get a burning sensation when you do strenuous exercise?

Because I'm awesome.

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You will find in-depth information about 'fat burning' foods and how to do cardio exercise, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

Do fat burning supplements work well with exercise?

Yes, fat burning supplements work well with exercise. You need to use the combination of these two things to achieve your goal faster.

Did the US Supreme Court uphold laws against flag burning because flag burning presents a clear and present danger to national security?

No. The US Supreme Court didn't uphold laws against flag burning; it overturned laws against flag burning on the grounds that burning the US flag is expressive political speech protected by the First Amendment.For more information on the US Supreme Court and flag desecration cases, see Related Questions, below.

Does Flag Burning Violate the First Amendment?

Yes, the US Supreme Court has ruled that Flag burning is a protected form of speech.

Which exercise is not an appropriate result of healthy stretching?

a slight burning sensation

Did the US Supreme Court rule that burning the American flag is protected symbolic speech and can not be outlawed by government?

Yes. Flag burning and other forms of desecration are considered expressive political speech protected by the First Amendment.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

Is burning the American flag a crime?

Burning the flag is disrespectful, but not a crime.

What does exercise increase?

anti obesity The calorie-burning is referred to as the metabolic rate.

Why do you get burning pain in your little toes when you exercise?

Hi, dont worry, this burning pain is normal. It is just because when you exercise, you are using your feet to move around and especially on trendmills you are likely to get this pain. hoped it helped :D

That armbands worn in protest are the same as speech?

The US Supreme Court as indicated that some actions are considered free speech. The wearing of clothing items such as an armband is considered speech. The burning of an American flag is another.