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The first political parties were the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists in the late 1700's.

Anit-Federalists were against the ratification of the U.S. Constitution because they thought it gave too much power to the central, or federal, government. They opposed strong central government mainly due to fear of monarchy. They also opposed the Constitution at first because it did not outline the rights of the citizens. Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson held Anti-Federalist views.

Federalists wanted a strong central government and they wanted the Constitution. Federalist leaders included Alexander Hamilton and John Adams. The feud between the two parties may have prevented the ratification of the Constitution had it not been for the Bill of Rights. The Constitution was eventually ratified after the promise of an addition of a Bill of Rights to appease the Anti-Feds. The Bill of Rights aroused out of the Massachusetts Compromise, where the state of Massachusetts agreed to ratify the Constitution if it was later amended to contain a Bill of Rights.

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Q: The division into political parties grew out of differences over?
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What effect did the shift in population have on American politics?

as the population grew, southern power grew in congress - apex

What effect did the shift in population have American politics?

As the population grew, southern power grew in Congress.

Who led the first political party group?

Probably Uk-Uk of the Oompa Clan. In other words, politics has been with us since before we had language, so there was no "first" leader of a party. Ultimately, parties are nothing more than factions within a polity who band together to advance a common agenda, usually an economic one. It's good to remember in these election years, that nothing in our Constitution authorizes political parties. They just grew up like weeds. If you can convince one friend to say, "I think so, too" whenever you make a statement, congratulations: you're the leader of a political party.

What developed after the English Civil War to express political beliefs?

A popular answer is to say that political parties were organized forms of political expression that grew out of the unorganized factionalism of the Restoration-era English Parliament, and that (in an extremely loose sense) the rivalries of the Whigs and Tories were sublimated continuations of the deep religious and philosophical divides between the Roundheads and the Cavaliers. But this presupposes that a political party is somehow functionally distinguishable from a less formally organized group of like-minded people, or that no such thing as a named, self-perpetuating political faction existed anywhere in the world prior to the English Civil War. The Greek schools of philosophy; the plebian organizations of Republican Rome; the internecine factions of the early Catholic church; the persistent, multi-generational group-political rivalries of the Renaissance Italian city-states; what distinguishes political parties as institutions from any of these entities? If there is any distinction, it is only by degrees of administrative sophistication.

What sort of voting system normally is most likely to lead to a two-party political system?

I realize this is a standard question on someone's test, but in reality first-past-the-post voting does not always produce two-party systems. Although concern over splitting the electorate tends to consolidate parties in such a system, resulting in two major parties, there are usually minor parties waiting in the wings to become one of the major parties. In Britain, this role was played by the Liberal party, who grew in the 1980s to become a serious voice in British politics and held the balance of power after the 2010 election. In Canada, one of the major parties, the Conservatives, were practically wiped out in the 1993 election and a regional party, the Bloc Québecois, became the second largest party, and again, in 2011, the New Democratic Party, a third party, overtook the Liberal party to become the second party in Parliament.

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Japan moved toward a greater democracy, Political Parties grew stronger, and elected members of the Diet- the Japanese Parliment.

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