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While it was not a political party in the idea of political parties today, those who opposed the Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans (first political party) favored a strong federal (national) government and weak state governments. They took the name "Federalists" as that was the name given to the people who had supported ratification of the U.S. Constitution.

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Q: This type of political party supported a strong central government?
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What group supported a strong national or central government.?

The Federalists supported a strong national government.

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a strong central government

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The Federalists believed in a strong federal government.

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they supported the right to tax the country, the ratification of the constitution, and they supported a strong central [federal] government

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The Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton, wanted a strong national government for the US.

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The Democratic political party was formed to promote a loose construction of the Constitution and a strong central government. The Democratic Party believes the Constitution is only a guideline.