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Q: True or false - Under the US Constitution the federal government has four main branches?
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How many branches does the federal government have under the us constitution?


How is Oklahoma's government structured under its constitution?

The Oklahoma government has executive, judicial, and legislative branches.

What is a list of the three branches of government under the constitution?

The three branches of government under the constitution include the legislative branch, executive branch, and the judicial branch.

The best description of the government created under the constitution is that it was?

The best description of the government created under the constitution is that it was a federal republic.

How was the organization of the government under the United states constitution different from the system under the articles of confederation?

the constitution established three strong branches of government

Under the U.S. Constitution certain powers are given only to the federal government. These are called?

Under the U.S. Constitution, certain powers are given only to the federal government. These are called

. Under the U.S. Constitution certain powers are given only to the federal government. These are called?

Under the U.S. Constitution, certain powers are given only to the federal government. These are called

What are the tree branches of the government created under the constitution?

Legislative, judicial, and executive

What was stronger under the constitution the states or the federal government?


Under which principle does the federal government have three equal branches?

Separation of powers

What is it called when authority under the constitution is shared by the three branches of government?

Separation of Powers

What rights did the states keep under the federal system of government?

The states were given all powers not delegated to the federal government in the Constitution. However, there are implied powers that the federal government can use.