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The Europen explorer who who taded manufactured goods for gold was Henry Morten Stanley.

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america if not Spain

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Q: What European explorers traded metals cloth and manufactured goodsfor gold in west Africa?
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First European nation to send explorers around the west coast of Africa?

First European nation to send explorers around the west coast of africa? He does that to every question he see's^ But the answer is: The Portuguese.

What European country sent the first explorers and traders to west Africa?


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European explorers began to use gunpowder in order to take slaves captive. This was first done on the continent of Africa.

First European nation to send explorers around west coast of Africa?

Portugal (The Portuguese)

What European country carried manufactured goods to west Africa to trade gold?

america if not Spain

What event sparked scrambled by the European and nations for control of Africa?

the discovery of valuable natural resources by the portugese explorers

When did the Portuguese explores the gold coast of west Africa?

In 1471, the Portuguese explorers were the first European explorers to visit the Gold Coast of West Africa. The Gold Coast was a British colony on the Gulf of Guinea in west Africa that became the independent nation of Ghana in 1957.

Is it true or false that Vasco da Gama and Bartolomeu Dias were early European explorers who sailed around Africa?

Yes, they were European explorers who were the first to round the Cape of Good Hope. Dias did first, but then his crew forced him to return. Vasco da Gama was the first to reach India by sailing around Africa.

Europeans explorers first used gunpowder to take enslaved captives where?

European explorers began to use gunpowder in order to take slaves captive. This was first done on the continent of Africa.

What most attracted European explorers to Africa?

European explorers were primarily attracted to Africa by the potential for wealth through the trade of valuable resources such as gold, ivory, and other goods. They were also interested in expanding their empires, establishing new trade routes, spreading Christianity, and gaining knowledge about the cultures and territories of the African continent.

What was introduced to north American by European Explorers?

European explorers introduced livestock, grain, grapes, sugar cane, onions, turnips, coffee beans and many plants and animals found in Europe, parts of Africa and parts of Asia.