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The 3 rd ammendment

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Q: What amendment applies quartering of British soldiers in private homes during the colonial period?
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What act required colonial assemblies to house and pay British soldiers?

The quartering Act required colonial assemblies to house and pay British soldiers.

What act required colonial assemblies to house and pay British?

The quartering Act required colonial assemblies to house and pay British soldiers.

Which act required colonial assemblies to house and pay british soldiers?

quartering act--apex

Which act required colonial assamblies to house and pay british soldiers?

It was called the Quartering Act.

What is the 3 amendments?

The 3rd amendment is a part of the Bill of Rights. It prohibits the Quartering of troops in civilian homes. The Quartering Act imposed by the British was not well received. It required people to take British soldiers into their homes and house and feed them.

What is it called when colonist had to house and feed british soldiers at their own expense?

Quartering. The Quartering Act said that British Troops could live and eat in colonial homes with or without the owners permission.

What colonial grievance led to the 3rd amendment?

The British Parliament(1774) passes an act that force American colonists to house British troop in their home. So the Third Amendment now protects us from that happening to us.

What is amendent 3?

The 3rd amendment is a part of the Bill of Rights. It prohibits the Quartering of troops in civilian homes. The Quartering Act imposed by the British was not well received. It required people to take British soldiers into their homes and house and feed them.

What forced colonist to house British soldiers?

Because of the Quartering act, colonists were forced to let British soldiers into their homes. The colonists had no choice! Soldiers also raided homes and barns for food, drink, clothing, horses, saddles, goats, etc. British believed "What is yours is MINE!"

How was the Quartering Act connected to th Bill of Rights?

The Quartering Act was passed by the British parliament to force British troops into American homes. This inspired the third amendment of the Bill of Rights which forbids government from forcing Americans to house soldiers.

Quartering troops is restricted in the constitution quartering troops means?

The Third Amendment of the Constitution forbids the quartering of troops. This means, troops can't be forcibly housed in private homes without the owner's permission. This amendment was created due to the British forcibly housing soldiers in private homes during the Revolutionary War.

What amendment was written because American colonists were forced to house British soldiers?

The Third Amendment to the Bill of Rights is referred to as "Quartering of Troops". This amendment states that the government may not force citizens to house soldiers, and that citizens who elect to do so will receive reasonable compensation.