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Q: What are the main values and ideas of the US constitution?
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Explanation of preamble?

The preamble of the Constitution set out the idea of why the US was formed. It also expressed the main ideas of the US: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

What is a source for the ideas outlined in the Japanese constitution?

Much of the Japanese Constitution is based on the US Constitution.

How was the US foreign policy in the 1800s similar to foreign policy today?

That similarity can be found in the ideas and policies of Thomas Jefferson, namely that the US should promote an "Empire of Liberty" worldwide, Liberty meaning the values and ideas behind the US Constitution. US foreign policy today still focuses on promoting and sometimes enforcing (think of Iraq) these values all over the globe.

Is US Constitution reflects ideas that us was founded on?

You could argue that.

How did the US Constitution reflect the ideas of enlightenment?

They declared stuff

How did US Constitution reflect the ideas of the enlightenment?

They declared stuff

Many people including Rick Green and Senator McCain believe the US Constitution was founded on Christian Values. To exactly what values specific to Judeo-Christianity is the US Constitution based?

I think the Constitution is based on a freedom from religion, not religion.

How do you create a new constitution?

my civics teacher is making us write a new constitution any ideas

Which country contributed many of the ideas behind the US Constitution?


Where did the creoles get many of their revolutionary ideas?

They got revolutionary ideas from Enlightenment ideas. They also got them from the Declaration of Independence and The US Constitution.

Where did Creoles get many of the revolutionary ideas?

They got revolutionary ideas from Enlightenment ideas. They also got them from the Declaration of Independence and The US Constitution.

What section of the US Constitution stloe ideas from articles of confederation?

I think the articles.