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The guidelines used by the court to determine the legality of all but sex-based discrimination.

Discrimination is legal if it is a necessary means by which the government can achieve a compelling public interest.

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Q: What fulfill the bases of the strict scrutiny test?
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What test does the Supreme Court use in discrimination cases?

Rational basis test for economic issues, strict scrutiny test for racial and fundamental liberty issues, and midlevel scrutiny for gender issues

Which test is applied by the courts in cases related to suspect classifications?

Strict scrutiny test

What is the rigorous test to which a legal classification can be put and any law subjected to this level of scrutiny is unlikely to be found constitutional?

Strict scrutiny

What applies to the laws that touch on basic rights of a suspect class?

The strict scrutiny test.

What is the most rigorous test to which a legal classification can be put and any law subjected to this level of scrutiny is unlikely to be found constitutional.?

Strict scrutiny

What type of test does the US Supreme Court apply to laws defining racial classification?

Strict scrutiny

Why are Laws concerning women are not subject to the strict scrutiny test?

Women do not qualify as a "discrete and insular minority".

Why are laws regarding women not subject to the strict scrutiny test?

women do not qualify as a "discrete and insular minority."

Strict scrutiny is?

the most rigorous test to which a legal classification can be put. a test that very few laws will be able to pass. usually used when laws concern grouping by race or ethnicity.

Law concerning women are not subjected to the strict scrutiny Test because..?

there are no laws that apply only to women.

When it is believed that a law treats people differently because of their race and national origin or religion the courts treat the case under the test of?

strict scrutiny

Any law that attempts a racial or ethnic classification is subject to the which test?

Any law that attempts a racial or ethnic classification is subject to the strict scrutiny test. This is to determine that there will be no Constitutional rights violated in the process of pursuing the interest.