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The First Amendment of the constitution gives the citizens the right to the freedom of speech. This right does not extend to limited protected speech which include threats and intimidation, slander, or conflict with governmental interests.

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13y ago

Conditionally Protected Speech is a sub-clause in our First Amendment right of Free Speech. This protects your individual right unless it infringes upon four criteria, wherein the harmed party can seek an injunction to cease.

1) Libel/Slander; this levies the burden of proof for grounds of Malice unto the Plaintiff. If proven, censorship COULD be enforced.

2) Obscenity/Pornographic material; this one is very subjective, as it's left up to each communitie's board to determine their standard of obscenity. Regarding

Pornography, there must be a redeeming artistic quality to the material.

3) Inciteful Speech will face legal opposition under this clause. In other terms; "Fighting Words."

4) "Commercial Speech" is subject to condition of community and public approval, and overall acceptance. Example of this would be tobacco advertising in the media- it is prohibited. Whereas alcohol may be advertised to the community through media and otherwise.

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