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Q: What is the significance of hazelwood school district vs kuhlmeier?
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What was the US Supreme Court's decision in the Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier case?

In the case of the Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the students of Hazelwood High School that were publishing a school-wide newspaper were subject to reviews and edits by public school officials. In other words, Principal Robert Reynolds had the right to omit the two pages from the newspaper that he deemed to be inappropriate for the school to view. The individual rights of Freedom of Speech of the students in the journalism class were not violated as forums for student expression were of a lower level of First Amendment protection than the protection of individual students and staff. Also because the newspaper was school-sponsored, those participating in it were subject to obligations by the sponsor (in this case Principal Robert Reynolds).

Why is Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier important to the school press?

This was a 1988 Supreme Court case that held that student newpapers produced within the curriculum of a school (such as a journalism or writing class that is sponsored by the school) were not entitled to the same level of First Amendment protection as those of more general circulation. The United States Supreme Court decision reversed that of a lower court which had limited the school's right of control over the content of the school-sponsored paper. The citation for the Supreme Court decision is 484 U.S. 260.

The local school district is the most common example of what form of local government?

Special District

Where is the smallest school district in Missouri?

Delta C-7 School District in Deering, MO has about 225 kids K-12. That's what I know, but there is probably a smaller one.

What is Bethel School District v. Fraser?

1986 Frasier made a lewd nomination speech full of sexual innuendo. The school district suspended him. The courts upheld the suspension saying the school district had the right of ìin loco parentisî which protects children, especially in a captive audience (those listening to the nomination speech), from explicit, indecent or lewd speech. In loco parentis means in place of the parent. The schools can discipline if behavior creates a material and substantial disruption. This calmed the previous ruling and came down on authority of school district to discipline students.

Related questions

Who was kuhlmeier?

was a student at hazelwood high school her name was Catherine.

Who won Hazelwood v. kuhlmeier?

a student and the principal of the school

What is the motto of Hazelwood School District?

The motto of Hazelwood School District is 'We're on the move!'.

What was the outcome of Hazelwood vs Kuhlmier?

In the Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier case, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the school district, allowing them to censor school-sponsored publications if the content is reasonably related to legitimate educational concerns. This decision limited student First Amendment rights in the school setting.

What Supreme Court case allowed school to censor newspapers?

The Supreme Court case that allowed schools to censor newspapers is Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier (1988). The court ruled that school administrations have the authority to exercise reasonable control over school-sponsored publications if they are part of the school curriculum and can be reasonably viewed as educational tools. This decision limited the First Amendment rights of student journalists in public schools.

What was the year for the case Hazelwood School District?

Hazelwood School was created in 1890.

What was the US Supreme Court's decision in the Hazelwood v Kuhlmeier case?

In the case of the Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the students of Hazelwood High School that were publishing a school-wide newspaper were subject to reviews and edits by public school officials. In other words, Principal Robert Reynolds had the right to omit the two pages from the newspaper that he deemed to be inappropriate for the school to view. The individual rights of Freedom of Speech of the students in the journalism class were not violated as forums for student expression were of a lower level of First Amendment protection than the protection of individual students and staff. Also because the newspaper was school-sponsored, those participating in it were subject to obligations by the sponsor (in this case Principal Robert Reynolds).

What is the badest school in st.louis?

* ANSWER: Hazelwood district NON!!!!

Who was Chief Justice during Hazelwood v. Kulmeier?

In Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 US 260 (1988), the Court held that public school newspapers not explicitly established as fora for student opinion enjoyed a lower level of First Amendment protection and could be censored by school officials. The Chief Justice during this case was William H. Rehnquist (1986-2005).

Where is the Hazelwood School District located?

The Hazelwood School District is located in Florissant, Missouri in the United States . Its precise address is 15955 New Halls Ferry Road, Florissant, MO 63031.

What is the budget of Hazelwood School District?

The budget of Hudson Public Schools is 33,436,766 dollars.

How does freedom of speech apply to school?

Google the following cases for a good overview of these issues: Tinker v. Des Moines Bethel v. Fraser Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier