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A Judge is either appointed or voted in, and in some states both. A state judge gets his/her power from the governer of the state. or the people. A judge is not all that powerful if you think of it. He/she is only following and interpreting the laws that the people have set fourth through their legislature. A judge does not even enforce laws, that is done through the executive branch of Government. Our Government is based on the U.S. Constitution. Think about it, if we the people decided that the Democracy is not working out for us, in theory, we could change it because we the people give the Government its power; however this would be extreamly difficult and everyone would have to agree or at least the majority would in order to change out system to something we think would be better.

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14y ago
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13y ago

The judicial branch has the power to check on the president, to declare executive acts unconstitutional, and judges appointed for life are free from executive control.

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13y ago

If by judiciary you mean the Supreme Court, their most important power is deeming certain laws or regulations consitutional or not - this is called "judicial review."

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The power to interpret the law as it was written by the legislative branch.

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11y ago

so they can sentence bad people to jail prison or let them go.

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Where in the constitution does it state what powers do the judicial branch hold over the legislative branch?

Article 3 describes the powers of the judicial branch.

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The Judicial Branch

Where does it say in the constitution what powers the judicial branch has over the executive branch?

The powers of the judicial branch are contained in Article III of the Constitution, but those powers are not over the executive branch...they are separate from the powers of the legislative and executive branches.

What powers does the legislative and judicial branch share?

They do no share powers. The legislative branch creates laws. The judicial branch decides the constitutionality of the laws created by the legislative branch.

Which article of the Constitution details the powers of the Judicial Branch?

Article 111 discusses the powers of the Judicial Branch in the Constitution.

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No governors have judicial power. That power rests with the judicial branch.

What are the governor's judicial powers?

No governors have judicial power. That power rests with the judicial branch.

What judicial functions can the president form?

The President can not exercise any judicial powers. He is the head of the Executive Branch of Government and not a member of the Judicial Branch.

How can the judicial branch challenge the powers of the legislative and executive branch?

The Judicial branch has what is known as Judicial Review, which means the Judicial Branch may invalidate laws made by the Legislative branch and executive orders made by the Executive branch that it determines is unconstitutional.

What way does the judicial branch check the powers of the executive branch?

The Judicial Branch has the final say on all laws. If a law is brought to them, they decide if it is constitutional or not.

In what way does the judicial branch check the powers of the executed branch?

The Judicial Branch has the final say on all laws. If a law is brought to them, they decide if it is constitutional or not.

What are some Judaical powers of the president?

He has no judicial powers. Only the judicial branch has the power. The president can appoint a judge but has to get congressional approval.