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Treasure of office act

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General Schiller

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Archibald Bernier

Lvl 10
2y ago

Treasure of office act

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Jermaine Romaguera

Lvl 13
2y ago

Treasure of office act

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Brandyn McClure

Lvl 10
2y ago

Treasure of office act

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Wiki User

7y ago

The Tenture of Office Act is what you are asking about, I think. It was used to impeach Andrew Johnson when he fired Secretary of War Stanton. The act has since been ruled unconstitutional.

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10y ago

The tenure of office act

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Monse Luna

Lvl 2
4y ago

The Tenure of Office Act

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Zoey Samuel

Lvl 4
2y ago

Tenure of Office Act (apex)

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Lvl 2
1y ago

The remove act

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Lvl 1
3y ago

Tenture of Office Act

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Q: What law said that a president had to get permission to remove anyone put in place by a past president?
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Which president hired someone to serve in his place in the draft?

President Grover Cleveland had been a draft dodger and he hired someone to serve in his place - it was legal to do so back then.

Who has the Vice President of the US for its head?

The Senate has the Vice-President of the U.S. for its head. He is not usually in attendance, so the President Pro-Tempore presides in his place.

If the president dies what is the ranking of government officials to take his place?

Next would be the Vice-President, and then the Speaker of the House if something where to happen to the Vice President.

Who can run for president in the Republican Party?

The US Constitution places these qualifications on a candidate for President: 1. Must be at least 35 years of age. 2. Must be a natural born US Citizen. Actually, the Constitution does NOT place any restrictions on who may RUN for President. The Constitution does, however, place restrictions on who may SERVE as President. A person who is 33 years old, for example, could run for President and be elected President. That person, however, could not actually serve as President until their 35th Birthday. The Vice-President (assuming the Vice-President qualifies as President) would serve then served as ACTING PRESIDENT until the President-Elect attains the age of 35 years. This is covered in the 20th Amendment. The Constitution also restricts from SERVING as President: 1. Anyone who has previously been elected to the Office of President twice 2. Anyone who has previously been elected to the Office of President once AND served more than half of the term for which someone else was elected. An example of this would be a Vice-President taking over for a President who has died or otherwise been removed from office.

Where was president when attacks on September 11 took place?

In a school in Florida.

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There will have to be a password for the parent permission. It will be your password to sign into xbox or your hotmail account.

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No it is not legal to hold a party in a public place without permission

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Anyone who is born in the United States is eligible for presidency, it does not matter the birth place of your parents, only you.

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You can get married at 16 in Ontario with parental permission. The requirements for proof of permission vary from place to place. You will have to consult your local licensing authority for what they require.

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Jack suggests that the new place could be defended by building a fort at the entrance to serve as a barrier and by placing guards to keep watch at all times to prevent anyone from entering without permission.

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Hijra is when the Muslims migrate from a place with the permission of god.

What is one conflict that took place during thomas Jefferson's presidency?

He purchased Louisiana Territory for 15 million dollars without asking for permission from Congress. It had not yet been decided whether a president had the power to do something like that.

If a president dies who takes his place?

the Vice president

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i would recommend asking for permission before id do any thing like that

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It depends on where it is drawn. If it is drawn on a place where the artist has permission, it is simply art. If it is drawn on somewhere where the artist does not have permission to draw, it is vandalism.

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Because its their child and the child is only in your care and nothing should take place without their permission!

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When a vice president becomes president, he nominates a new vice president who is sworn in after a confirmation vote by a majority of both houses of congress.