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The organization that gave rise to the Populist Party was the Farmer's Alliance. The suffering of the farmers in the South and West was supported by the Populist Party to relieve the hardships of farmers.

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Q: What organization gave rise to the populist party?
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What economic issues gave rise to the Populist Party and what political and economic changes did the party advocate?

The economic issues that gave rise to the Populist Party were founded the economic depression. The political and economic changes that the party advocated for included better roads and ease of trading their agricultural products.

What is true about members of the populist party?

They hoped to see a general rise in prices.

Describe the rise and fall of Populism?

Populist was people party it was revolt by people from the west. Its fell due to politcal maneuvering.

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What is third party payment?

Reimbursement or other compensation paid by a person or organization that wasn't directly involved in the event that gave rise to the payment (i.e., a 'third party'). For example, you undergo medical treatment. Your insurance company (the third party) reimburses your medical provider.

What event can be placed between 1933-1936?

this date gave way to the rise of the nazi party in Germany.

Who was Mary Elizabeth Lease and what did she do?

Mary Elizabeth"Ellen" Lease was a Populist Orator, she gave public speeches about the lack of respect that farmers had around te 1800s. Her most famous quote is that farmers should " rise less corn and more hell." SHe livedin Kansas and joined the People's (Populist) Party and was so powerful and emotional speaker.

What led to the rise of the populist movement and what effect did it have?

Middle Western and Southern farmers were discontented because of crop failures, falling prices, and poor marketing and credit facilities. They formed Farmers Alliances, which led to the rise of the Populist Movement. The American banking system was the result.

Which historical development showed the desire of a group to gain independence from a colonial power?

Rise of the nazi party in Germany

Who gave rise to the apes and man?

there is no such person who specifically gave rise to them. but it is definitely the evolution of changes.

Why did the populist want graduated income tax?

the populist party was made of poor white farmers who were frustrated with their current economic situation. The Mckinley tariff had made the cost of farm equipment rise, while the prices of crops were still deflating due to the gold standard being used. The populist party aimed to level the playing field between rich and poor, and wanted to do so with a graduated income tax. this would lower the level of the McKinley tarrif, while making the wealthy pay more income tax than the poor, and would decrease the differences in the classes.

What caused the American party also the know-nothing party to rise?

Opposition to Immigration to America caused the american party also called the know-nothing party to rise.