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Hamilton was a Federalist who believed in a country with a strong federal government. For example, he wrote the Public Report on a National Bank, in which he suggested that the national government should create a bank to help get rid of Revolutionary War debt, even though some argued that it was a breach of the Constitution.

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Q: What type of government did Hamilton believe in?
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Does Hamilton believe the government's power should be strong or weak?

Alexander Hamilton believed the central government should have strong powers and the individual states should only have power over local matters.

What type of government did hamilton want?

Alexander Hamilton was regarded as a founding father of the United States. Hamilton and his group supported a Strong Central Government

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Alexander Hamilton believed that a major role of the federal government was to support and encourage trading with other countries.

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Hamilton was a Federalist- he believed the power should be concentrated in the federal government, not in the individual states. (Jefferson strongly disagreed.)

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Alexander Hamilton believed that a major role of the federal government was to support and encourage trading with other countries.

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a small sensitive men who are intellegent---->an elite group

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What did Hamilton believe in regards to the debt the states accumulated from fighting in the revolutionary war?

The national government had the obligation to pay the debt.

What did Hamilton believe in regards to the debt the states accumulated from fighting the Revolutionary War?

The national government had the obligation to pay the debt.