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The Articles of Confederation was the early U.S. Constitution (1781 - 89) under the government by the Continental Congress, replaced in 1787 by the United States Constitution. It provided for a confederation of sovereign states and gave the Congress power to regulate foreign affairs, war, and the postal service, to control Indian affairs, and to borrow money.

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13y ago
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8y ago

The first Constitution of the Unites States was called the Articles of Confederation. This paper was written in 1776, and sent to each state to be ratified.

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15y ago

No, the Articles of Confederation were. But the Articles were considered too weak to maintain the States, so the Constitution was made.

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13y ago

No. The Articles of Confederation came before.

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11y ago

the articles of confederation

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Q: What was United States ' first constitution?
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The was the first constitution of the United States of America?

Articles of Confederation