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Probably the 2008 Farm Bill. That was less than 2 weeks ago.

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Q: What was the last bill vetoed by a president to go back to congress and become a law?
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Does the president have to approve all bills from congress?

No. If the bill is vetoed by the President the bill goes back the congress where in order for it to get passed two thirds of congress has to vote for it.

What happens to a bill after it has been vetoed?

After a bill has been vetoed it has the choice of either being brought back by a 2/3 majority vote from the senate to override the Presidents veto. Either that or the president goes and sux a dick

President vetoes a bill and congress wants to become a law?

If the president vetoes a bill, then Congress can override that vetoe, but the bill must go back to Congress to be approved with a majority vote.

What happens to a bill if the president uses a pocket veto?

It is dead, just as if he had used the traditional veto. There is one major difference. A bill that is pocket vetoed does not automatically go back to Congress for consideration of an override of the veto. Such a bill must be re-introduced as a new bill at the start of the next Congressional session. Then it gets treated as a new bill, meaning it canbe passed by simple majority, sent to the president for approval and vetoed (or not) in the usual fashion. Then it goes back to Congress for consideration of an override of the veto.

Which branch of Government makes law?

In the US, the US Congress passes bills and they are sent to the president to be signed into law. Some bills, however, are vetoed by a president. The bill is then sent back to Congress and if a two thirds vote passes the bill, the bill is law. The president must sign such a bill.

Related questions

Does the president have to approve all bills from congress?

No. If the bill is vetoed by the President the bill goes back the congress where in order for it to get passed two thirds of congress has to vote for it.

What does the president do with a bill once he's vetoed it?

When a President vetoes a bill, he sends it back to Congress with his objections instead of signing it into law. The word "veto" is not used in the Constitution, but has become the term used to describe a President's rejection of a bill.

Who has the power to admit a state into union?

No single person has this power, it has to be passed through congress and can possibly be vetoed by the president (sent back, denied) then if the congress passes it through a second time then the territory, colony, or area will become a state.

What is a case where a laws passed with out a signature of the president?

ANY case where a bill enacted by Congress was vetoed by the Presidnet and sent back to Congress only to have them over-ride the veto.... that law became law without a President's signature.

How can a bill become a law if it passes through both chambers but is vetoed by the governor?

According to the Constitution, the legislature has the power to override the veto of the governor. It usually takes a two third majority to override. If the veto is overridden, the bill becomes law.

What happens with a bill that has been passed by the congress but the congress is in still in session - what does the president do?

Once Congress has passed a bill, the President has 10 days to sign it, and it becomes law, or veto it, and send it back to Congress.If the President does not sign or veto the bill in 10 days, it becomes law without the Presidents signature, if Congress is in session. If the President does not sign or veto it in 10 days, and Congress is NOT in session, it is vetoed, called a pocket veto.

What happens to a bill after it has been vetoed?

After a bill has been vetoed it has the choice of either being brought back by a 2/3 majority vote from the senate to override the Presidents veto. Either that or the president goes and sux a dick

President vetoes a bill and congress wants to become a law?

If the president vetoes a bill, then Congress can override that vetoe, but the bill must go back to Congress to be approved with a majority vote.

What bills passed by the congress can the president reject?

yes, the veto is a power granted to the President by the Constitution. After a bill is passed by Congress it is sent to the President who has 10 days in which he can sent it back to Congress with his objections . This is called "vetoing" the bill.

What is the pupose of the executive branch?

The laws that are sent by the legislative branch are voted upon by the president. And if he/she don't think it's good they will veto it, then send it back and the congress vote on the vetoed law to make it a law.

What did jackson do when the bill to renew the bank's charter came to him for his signature?

He vetoed the bill and sent it back to Congress.

What happens to a bill if the president uses a pocket veto?

It is dead, just as if he had used the traditional veto. There is one major difference. A bill that is pocket vetoed does not automatically go back to Congress for consideration of an override of the veto. Such a bill must be re-introduced as a new bill at the start of the next Congressional session. Then it gets treated as a new bill, meaning it canbe passed by simple majority, sent to the president for approval and vetoed (or not) in the usual fashion. Then it goes back to Congress for consideration of an override of the veto.