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They believed that the rights that are now guaranteed through the Bill of Rights needed to be stated in some kind of Bill of Rights.

Our basic rights should be written in a sort of Bill of Rights to ensure that we were guaranteed those rights.

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Q: What were the antifederalist reasons for opposing ratification?
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What did the antifederalist objections to the ratification lead to?

addition of a bill of rights : D

What was primary objection of the antifederalist to ratification of the Constitution?

they believed the rights of the people were not protected.

What were anti federalists reasons for opposing ratification?

The answer to this question is this.... They opposed having such a strong central government and thus were against the Constitution.

Was john jay a antifederalist?

No John Jay was not an antifederalist...he was one of three people to write the federalist papers advocating the ratification of the constitution. James Madison wrote the Virginia Plan, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights...

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What were five issues involved in the ratification debate?

One of the reasons for ratification was the nation could not pass taxes to pay for supplies in states.

What five issues involved in the ratification debated?

One of the reasons for ratification was the nation could not pass taxes to pay for supplies in states.

What were the reasons for delays in ratification for articles of confederation?

the claim of 7 of 13 states

What reasons did the federalists give their positions on ratification?

they thought it gave equal rights to everyone

What reasons did the federalist give to defend their views on the ratification?

There were a number of reasons that the Federalists gave to defend their views on the ratification. The mainly supported as strong central government and state governments that did not have too much power.

What could have happened if the writers of the constitution had not allowed it to be amended?

The Constitution would never have been ratified. The Antifederalist opponents believed that it did not protect the rights of the people and states enough, so if it were never to be amended, we wouldn't have the Bill of Rights and thus the ratification of the constitution