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There were Suffragists and Suffragettes. Suffragists did non-violent protests , sent letters and held up banners but Suffragettes were violent, they threw bricks at buildings and burnt down churches and got arrested many times.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Here are just a few (more wildly known women rights leaders)

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Susan B Anthony

Lucy Burns

Alice Paul

Inez Milholland

President Wilson (He eventually excepted the 19th amendment and it was added to the Constitution of the United States)

Lucretia Mott

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13y ago

Mostly women . In the US some of the leaders of the movement were Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Lucy Stone. Carrie Catt,and Alice Paul. There were other women's rights issues besides the right to vote that they fought for.

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Susan B. Anthony was a popular Suffragist who was tried for casting a vote in the Presidential election of 1872 before women had the right. was nor

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14y ago

Emmeline Pankhurst founded The women's Social and Political Union and I believe it was her (might have been Emily Davison who died trying to stop the king's horse in Derby).

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they were called useless.

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Q: What were the women called who fought for the right for women to vote?
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Related questions

What were members of the Women's Social and Political Union called?

This group fought for Women's suffrage, or the right to vote, in England. Women who fought for their right to vote were called suffragettes.

What did the suffer jets do?

Suffragettes fought for the right for women to vote.

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Women fought long and hard for an amendment granting which right?

the right to vote

When did Kate Sheppard give women the right to vote?

Kate Sheppard gave women the right to vote on the 19 September 1893

People who fought for the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment were called?

They were called suffragettes. == == == ==

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Why were the women that fought for womens rights called suffer jets?

They were actually called suffragettes, because they were fighting for women's suffrage, or the right to vote. However, because they were women, they were given the pejorative -ette ending.

Who fought for women's right to vote?

A group of women called Sufferagetes! they started protesting before the war started but had to stop and help in the war. when the war ended the men were pleased with the womens efforts and gave them the right to vote!

A woman who fought for women's right to vote in the early 1900s?

Emmline Pankhurst

How do you spell sufferagged?

The correct spelling is "suffragette." Suffragettes were women who advocated for women's right to vote in the early 20th century.

What rights were the Women's Movement fighting for?

The women's movement has fought for different things at different time periods. They've fought for the right to vote, and for the right to equal pay for equal work.