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The new presidents take office of January 20 the year after they are elected.

January 20th is called Inauguration Day, and it has been set on this date since 1937. The presidency actually starts at noon, EST, when the new president is sworn into office. The swearing in takes place at the capital in Washington DC. It is followed by a parade in front of the White House.

The presidential oath is:

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

The outgoing president will greet and dine with the incoming president to represent a peaceful transfer of power.

The new president will give a speech called an inaugural address. The inaugural address usually covers what their hopes are for the country over the next four years.

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The new president takes office on the January 20 following the year they were elected.

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What month does the us president take office?

January The electoral college is elected in November and the President is elected in December, but the President is sworn with the oath on January 20th!

What age was Gerald Ford elected?

Gerald Ford was elected to office as a U.S. Representative in 1949 at the age of 36. He was not elected to the office of Vice President. He was appointed after Spiro Agnew resigned. He was also not elected to the office of President, and became President after Richard Nixon resigned.

What is the maximum amount of time one person can be president?

The maximum amount of time one person can be a US President is 10 years.The Twenty Second Amendment to the US Constitution states that:"No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once."So, if a person (the vice-president) takes the office of the President in the first or second year of the preceding President's term, they may only be elected to the office for one four year term. However, if they take the office of President in the third or fourth year of the term, they may then be elected for two four year terms, thus being able to hold the office for a total of ten years.

Which elected office is part of the executive branch?

The head of the executive branch is elected. He is the president.

Who was the only president never to be elected into office?

There are several men who rose to the office of President of the US but were not elected to it. Gerald Ford is the only man who was not elected to either the office of President or Vice President though. Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Lyndon Johnson were all sworn in after the presidents they served under died.

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Who was the first president to take office following the death of an elected president?

John Tyler

When does the 2008 elected president take office?

Jan. 20 2009

If a president is elected in November when does he take office?

January 20th (After Election)

First president to take office following the death of an elected president?

John Tyler is the first United States President to take office following the death of an elected President. He replaced William Henry Harrison, who died on April 4, 1841

What year did Kennedy take office as president?

JFK was elected in 1960, took office in 1961.

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The newly elected French president is sworn into office at most ten days after the result of the election. He cannot take office until the Conseil Constitutionnel (constitutional Court) has validated the election result, a process which takes usually three to four days.

On which Bible does the newsly elected president plan to take his oath of office?

President Obama swore the oath of office on Abraham Lincoln's Bible.

What month does the us president take office?

January The electoral college is elected in November and the President is elected in December, but the President is sworn with the oath on January 20th!

Who was elected the first US President to take office in the new millennium?

George W. Bush was the first president to take office in the New Millenium

How did Theodore Roosevelt take office?

he got elected president when he ran for it. He was also a vice president before he was the president of united states.

Who is the only president to not have been elected into office?

Technically speaking, they've all been elected in to *office*. However, Ford is the only one who was never elected to the Executive Office (as either President or Vice-President).

When was the president of Uruguay elected?

The current president was elected in October 2004 and took office in March 1st, 2005. The President-elect was elected in November 2009 and will take office in March 1st, 2010.