The Era of Good Feelings occurred in the year 1817 to 1825. This is a term applied to the period in United States conforming to the term of President James Monroe. This era is marked as the desire for unity at the end of the War of 1812.
Era of Good Feeling (1817-1824), a phrase coined by the Columbian Centinel, a Boston newspaper, to describe the early presidency of James Monroe, whose administration found the country at peace and the economy prosperous. Monroe accepted the National Bank and and approved further construction on the National (Cumberland) Road. Despite the economic panic of 1819, Monroe received all but one electoral vote to a second term in 1820. Despite the apparent harmony, renewed sectionalism and factionalism eroded "good feeling" during Monroe's second term and signaled the demise of the (Jeffersonian) Republican Party.
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James Monroe is the "Era of good feeling " president and he was reelected in1820.
Missouri Compromise Tariff of Abominations Internal Improvements
Calhoun was the spokesperson for the South, Clay for the western states, and I believe Webster for the North.
After the War of 1812, the Federalist party died out, leaving only one political party, the Democratic Republicans. This unity and lack of separate parties caused the Era of Good Feelings, when only one political party existed.
The Golden Era Was When Jesus Was On Earth
the era of good feellings were the feelings that people ate.
The Era of Good Feelings was marked by a strong sense of national unity.
The Great Depression.
An era of peace, pride, and progress.
feelings of good partisan politics had practically disappeared.
No, the Era of Good Feelings extended until 1825.
Era of good feelings
Era of good feelings
President James Monroe was the most successful diplomat in the Era of Good Feelings. This was a result of his Great Goodwill Tour between 1817 and 1819, when he went across the country to sell the concept and promote Republicanism. The name "Era of Good Feelings" was actually coined in Boston by a local Federalist journal, while Monroe was making this tour.
The era of good feelings
The Era of Good Feelings.