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they got the idea from a French philosopher Baron dé Montésque who said that all governments should be based off of three branches and i think they came up with the idea of checks and balances from their own ideas, they were some of the smartest men this world has ever seen. their constitution has been running our government for over 220 years and that is longer than any other governments, even though some have tried to make one as good as our. The framers new the constitution wouldn't be perfect forever so they made the elastic clause, the amendments. These allowed the constitution to update itself over the years.

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Magna Carta, Petition of Rights, English Bill of Rights.

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Q: Where did the founders get their ideas about government?
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How did the founders get their ideas?


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Ideas from the Enlightenment thinkers

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The U.S. Constitution?

is a written plan of government it was created by the founders of the us and it identifies the purpose of the us government is a written plan of government it was created by the founders of the us and it identifies the purpose of the us government is a written plan of government it was created by the founders of the us and it identifies the purpose of the us government

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cheese balls!