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The origin of government emphasizes the power of violence through the force theory.

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โˆ™ 9y ago
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โˆ™ 9y ago

Force Theory is the theory about the origins of government that it was created when people used violence to compel others.

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โˆ™ 7y ago

Force Theory

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Q: Which theory about the origins of government holds that government was first imposed by force?
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Which theory about the origins of government holds that government was the first imposed by force?

Force Theory

Which theory about the origins of government holds that government was first imposed by forced?

Force Theory

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Historians and political scientists agree that no one knows exactly when, where and how the first government began.

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The House of Burgesses, first type of representative government where male settlers elected burgesses, or representatives.

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learn how to spell government first u bucket then i answer ur question

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