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The Preamble and the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution are aimed at promoting cooperation among the states. Also the Articles of the Constitution are also aimed at promoting cooperation among the states.

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Sections one and two of Article IV of the Constitution attempts to provide for cooperation among the various state governments. Section one of the article states that the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings are creditable in each state. While section two guarantees that every citizen shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in other states. This section also states that any person who fled to other states in an attempt to flee from justice, and be found in another state, shall on request be returned to the state from which he committed the crime. These sections were made in an attempt to cull any hostilities between state and promote cooperation between them.

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Q: Which three US constitutional provisions are aimed at promoting cooperation among the states?
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What three constitutional provisions are aimed at promoting cooperation among the states?

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