After the president comes the vice-president, followed by the Speaker of the House.
After the president comes the vice-president, followed by the Speaker of the House.
After the president comes the vice-president, followed by the Speaker of the House.
After the president comes the vice-president, followed by the Speaker of the House.
After the president comes the vice-president, followed by the Speaker of the House.
After the president comes the vice-president, followed by the Speaker of the House.
The speaker of the houseImproved Answer - Speaker of the House is the next person in line for the Presidency outside the Executive Branch, but not necessarily the second most powerful person in DC. The President's (White House) Chief of Staff would be the second most powerful person in Washington DC.
The most effective us president is Abhraham Linkhan
The most powerful restriction on presidential authority is the legal process of impeachment. It is a procedure wherein the president can be removed from office.
Executive office of the president
The most powerful elected official in the US is the President of the United States.
The Commander in Chief, also known as the President, is the most powerful person in the military.
Yes, these figures are all the most powerful at the national level, with the exception of the French Prime Minister who is often less powerful than the French president. At an international level, the US president is more powerful, as the US has more influence than the United Kingdom or France does individually.
They are so powerful because US is such a powerful country.
The president is the only one who has the power to settle the US. He is the most powerful person in the US.
The president isn't the most powerful person in the world. God is. Presidents are the most powerful and important people in the USA.
Many believe that running the world's most powerful country makes the president the most powerful person in the world.
Jill Russek
nigeria president
At the end of 2011, the French President was ranked as the 13th most powerful person in the world.
the king, he can change laws and make new ones and no one can do anything about it, while a president has to ask the citizens for a new law.