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As far as the Constitution of the United States of America is concerned, no one, any where, has the power to enact laws that interfere with the legal rights of individuals. The purpose of that Constitution was to form a more perfect union in the form of a republic that has been charged with protecting the rights of the individual. Under this constitutional form of government, it is forbidden to enact laws that interfere with the legal rights of individuals. Yet, thousands of laws have been enacted in the United States of America that do exactly that, interfere with the legal rights of individuals. Certainly the ceremony of marriage is a sacred right of every individual, and yet every State deems it their authority to demand proper licensing in order to be "legally" married. The right to do business and earn a living is undeniably a fundamental right of each and every person and yet, Federal, State and even local governments are convinced it is there duty to interfere with that legal right to do business and earn a living by insisting on licensing requirements. In the United States there are licensed book sellers, there are licensed art dealers, there are licensed independent comic book artists. Imagine that! A licensing scheme set forth to regulate the business of an independent comic book artist. What possible reason could there be to require book sellers to obtain a license to do so? What reason can justify licensing art dealers? Who is protected by having a licensed art dealer? Why would an independent comic book artist seek out permission from the state to create her own comic books?

If the people have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and they do, then surely the people have the right to drive. Yet, the Department of Motor Vehicles insists that driving is a privilege and not a right. Of course, the Department of Motor Vehicles is an administrative agency that does not enjoy any power or authority granted to it by the Constitution and the Constitution has not granted any power to interfere with the rights of individuals. Even so, if an individual walks in to the Department of Motor Vehicles and request a license to drive, the signature he makes in exchange for that license grants the DMV all the power they need. Who has the power to enact laws that interfere with the legal rights of individuals? All government power, anywhere, flows directly from the people. With out the people there is no need for government, and if a tyrant claims power to interfere with the rights of individuals it is the people who will allow this tyrant to rule or who will rise up and stop the tyrant.

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Q: Who has the Power to enact laws that interfere with the legal rights of individuals?
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