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Electoral votes in the Electoral College determine the President and Vice President of the United States. Every state and DC are awarded a certain number of electoral votes with which to elect the President and Vice President. Each state has electoral votes equal to the total of the 2 representative the state has in the U.S. Senate plus the number of representative the state has in the House of Representatives. The electors in each state are elected in the presidential election and swear in advance to vote for the presidential candidate who wins the election in their state.

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Q: Who votes the president and vice president into office?
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Explain why the administration that took office on March 4 1797 had a federalist president and a republican vice pres?

In the end Adams received 71 electoral votes, winning the election. Jefferson finished second with 68 votes. under the provisions of the Constitution at that time, the person with the second-highest number of electoral votes became vice president. Jefferson therefore became the new vice president. The administration that took office on March 4, 1797, had a Federalist president and Republican vice president.

Who chooses the vice president if none of the candidates for that office receives a mojority of electoral votes?

The U.S. Senate

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When Congress elected the president and Vice President in the 1700's a vote was taken. The man who got the most votes was president and the second in votes was VP.

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Originally, from 1789 until 1800, there were not separate elections for President and Vice President. Each elector cast two votes, and whoever had the second-highest number of votes was the Vice President.

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If none of the candidates for Vice President receive a majority of electoral votes, the decision goes to the Senate. The Senate would hold a special vote to choose the Vice President from the top two candidates with the most electoral votes. Each senator gets one vote, and the candidate with a majority of votes in the Senate becomes the Vice President.

Why did the administration that took office on March 4 1797 have a federalist president and a republican vice presidentr?

In the end Adams received 71 electoral votes, winning the election. Jefferson finished second with 68 votes. under the provisions of the Constitution at that time, the person with the second-highest number of electoral votes became vice president. Jefferson therefore became the new vice president. The administration that took office on March 4, 1797, had a Federalist president and Republican vice president. :D

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What were Mississippi's electoral votes cast for?

president and vice president

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No one has ever been elected by the Senate to be Vice-President of the United States. If the office of Vice President is vacant, the President apppoints a Vice-President with the advice and consent of the Senate. This is not an election, but a vote of approval. If a candidate slate for President / Vice-President does not obtain a majority of votes in the Electoral College, the decision falls to the House of Representatives, not to the Senate.

In the framers plan candidate with second highest electro votes would become?

Vice President of the United States

What is the vice presidents only constitutionally defined job?

The Vice President of the United States is the President of the Senate, with the power to break tie votes.

What Are the Responsibilities of the Vice President?

The vice president over sees the Senate and votes in case of an exact 50-50 tie in the senate. The position is called the president of the senate. Also, should the president die, or for any reason leave office, the vice president becomes president.