Henry Hamilton was dubbed the name: "Hair-buyer" by Americans in the American Revolutionary War, because he would buy the scalps of Americans from Indians.
she was a sculptor and a spy during the revolutionary war. she was a sculptor and a spy during the revolutionary war.
There were no states during the Revolutionary War, there were only colonies.
During the Revolutionary War, the U.S. Navy was called the Continental Navy, and was commanded by Esek Hopkins.
Some people were imprisoned for being loyalists during the Revolutionary War. Most of then were put in jail for actually helping the British.
you are a moron. the machine gun was invented long after the revolutionary war.
No he did not portray during the Revolutionary War.
There were 13 colonies during the Revolutionary War. After the Revolutionary War, they became the original 13 United States of America.
she was a sculptor and a spy during the revolutionary war. she was a sculptor and a spy during the revolutionary war.
There were none, since Ohio didn't exist during the Revolutionary War.
...No. The Revolutionary War was in the 1700s. The TV was invented in the 1900s.
i think there was really no disadvantage of guerrilla warfare during the revolutionary war.
Yes, the battle of Sullivan's island was during the Revolutionary war.
Benjamin Franklin served as the American ambassador to France during the Revolutionary War.
What age did youngsters go to college during the revolutionary war
There were no states during the Revolutionary War, there were only colonies.
no, there was no president existing during the revolutionary war. we had not become the U.S.A yet.
Francis Marion was considered the swamp fox during the Revolutionary War.